On America, Somalia and You

(EconomicPolicyJournal) – Great insights from a Doug Casey interview with the Daily Bell (ViaLewRockwell.com):

Daily Bell: How about America? How are America’s finances?

Doug Casey: The era of one trillion dollar plus annual deficits is definitely here. And those are just the official deficits, which are going to be running a trillion or a trillion and a half dollars per year for the indefinite future. And on top of that you’ve got $100 trillion of unfunded liabilities of Social Security, the Medicare, the Medicaid. In a few years, you are going to have Obama-care, which is going to make the problem considerably worse. Then add on the probable federal bailouts of numerous bankrupt states like New York and California. And then hundreds of billions more for the FDIC, which is also totally bankrupt. Just like Fannie and Freddie. Then the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corp., will be hundreds of billions more – that hasn’t hit the front pages yet. General Electric is just like a gigantic, 30-1 leveraged hedge fund; that’s going to be bailed out too! Amtrak, which despite its outrageously high fares, continues to loose a couple billion dollars a year; of course that’s just chicken feed in today’s context. And of course these wars – and supporting military bases in over 100 countries…

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Have a Nice World War, Folks – John Pilger

(InfoClearingHouse) – Here is news of the Third World War. The United States has invaded Africa. US troops have entered Somalia, extending their war front from Afghanistan and Pakistan to Yemen and now the Horn of Africa. In preparation for an attack on Iran, American missiles have been placed in four Persian Gulf states, and “bunker-buster” bombs are said to be arriving at the US base on the British island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. Continue reading

U.S. Wages Food War Against Somalia

(BlackAgendaReport) – While nearly half the population of Somalia teeters at the edge of starvation, the U.S. is preventing the United Nations from delivering desperately needed food. According to documents obtained by the New York Times, the Americans demand that aid agencies guarantee that no fees are paid “at roadblocks, ports, warehouses, airfields or other transit points” controlled by Shabab resistance fighters. Since the Shabab and other militias control more than half of the area in conflict, United Nations compliance with U.S. conditions would mean starvation for about three million people.Indeed, if international aid were restricted to areas controlled by the U.S.-backed puppet regime, only a few neighborhoods in Mogadishu, the capital, would be fed. Continue reading

Somalia: How Colonial Powers drove a Country into Chaos – Interview of Mohamed Hassan

(GlobalResearch) – Somalia had every reason to succeed: an advantageous geographical situation, oil, ores and only one religion and one language for the whole territory; a rare phenomenon in Africa.  Somalia could have been a great power in the region. But the reality is completely different: famine, wars, lootings, piracy, bomb attacks. How did this country sink? Why has there been no Somali government   for approximately twenty years? Which scandals stand behind those pirates who hijack our ships? In this new chapter of our series “Understanding the Muslim World”, Mohamed Hassan explains for us why and how imperialist forces have applied in Somalia a chaos theory. Continue reading

President Obama’s Deep Love Of Peace?

“It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.” — Voltaire
Question: How many countries do you have to be at war with to be disqualified from receiving the Nobel Peace Prize? Continue reading

UN report finds 1 billion hungry as worldwide food emergency grows

Parents in some of Africa’s poorest countries are cutting back on school, clothes and basic medical care just to give their children a meal once a day, experts say. Still, it is not enough. Continue reading

MSM: Obama administration plans forceful policy to end conflicts in Africa

(Guardian) – US president to emphasise democratic goals for African countries during speech to Ghanaian parliament Continue reading

Obama’s Rollback Strategy – Honduras, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan(and the Boomerang Effect)

The recent events in Honduras and Iran, which pit democratically elected regimes against pro-US military and civilian actors intent on overthrowing them can best be understood as part of a larger White House strategy designed to rollback the gains achieved by opposition government and movements during the Bush years. Continue reading

Africom to Continue Under Obama

With the Obama administration set to oversee significant increases in US security assistance programmes for African countries, Daniel Volman examines the US government’s plans for its military operations on the African continent over the coming financial year. Continue reading

MSM: Army Tests Flying Robo-Sniper

Stopping the pirates of Somalia hasn’t been easy. But when the navies of the world have repelled or killed the hijackers, it’s often involved three elements: helicopters, drones and trained snipers. The U.S. Army is working on a weapon which combines all three. Continue reading

Atrocity Unlimited: US Seeks to Turn Somalia into Global Free-Fire Zone

Not content with destroying the only vestige of stability that Somalia had known for almost two decades by arming, backing and participating in a brutal “regime change” invasion by Ethiopia, the Bush Administration now wants to turn the ravaged land into an international “free fire zone,” a giant Fallujah where any powerful nation on earth can launch armed incursions on Somali soil, wreaking the usual “collateral damage” in the search for pirates — or for those arbitrarily designated as pirates.
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