Israeli Organ Harvesting News

(PressTV) – Flashback: Algerian kids falling prey to Jewish ‘organ harvest’

An international Jewish conspiracy to kidnap children and harvest their organs is gathering momentum as another shocking story divulges Israeli plot to harvest organs from Algerian children. Read More Here

(Guardian) – Israeli doctors experimented on children

A leading Israeli doctor and medical ethicist has called for the prosecution of doctors responsible for thousands of unauthorised and often illegal experiments on small children and geriatric and psychiatric patients in Israeli hospitals. Read More Here

(Haaretz) – Flashback: Romania probes Israeli adoption agency link in organ trafficking

Romanian authorities are looking into possible links between Israeli adoption agencies and an illegal global conspiracy to sell organs for transplants. Read More Here

(Flashback) – Suspect in international organ trafficking ring testifies Israeli government financed transplants

A retired Israeli army officer under arrest on suspicion of participating in an international organ trafficking scheme testified before a Brazilian court that the Israeli government financed organ transplants, the daily O Globo reported. Read More Here

(Examiner) – Flashback: Top NJ religious and government leaders arrested in black market organ scandal

New Jersey top government officials and religious leaders, according to MSNBC, have been arrested in connection with a supposed “major corruption and international money-laundering conspiracy.” Reportedly it was also discovered that many were involved in a black market organ ring. Read More Here

Israeli military admits to organ harvesting

Following diplomatic tensions over an August article published in Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet accusing the Israeli army of illegally harvesting the organs of Palestinians, Israel has admitted its forensic pathologists removed organs from dead bodies without consent from their families, reports the Associated Press. Read More Here

(Aljazeera) – Video: Yehuda Hiss Admits Israel Organ Harvesting

A recent video released by Israels Channel 2 has confirmed what many had long suspected, that Israelis had secretly harvested dead Palestinians organs without consent. Video Link Here

(Guardian) – Doctor admits Israeli pathologists harvested organs without consent

Israel has admitted pathologists harvested organs from dead Palestinians, and others, without the consent of their families – a practice it said ended in the 1990s – it emerged at the weekend. Read More Here

MSM: Chavez tells Israelis to disobey ‘genocidal’ govt

(Google) – Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez told the Israeli people not to support their government, which he described as “genocidal” on Friday, the second day of his trip to Syria. Continue reading

Africom to Continue Under Obama

With the Obama administration set to oversee significant increases in US security assistance programmes for African countries, Daniel Volman examines the US government’s plans for its military operations on the African continent over the coming financial year. Continue reading

Iran Had a Democracy Before We Took It Away

Iranians do not need or want us to teach them about liberty and representative government. They have long embodied this struggle. It is we who need to be taught. It was Washington that orchestrated the 1953 coup to topple Iran’s democratically elected government, the first in the Middle East, and install the compliant shah in power. Continue reading

NATO In The Persian Gulf

From Third World War To the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative

The NATO summit held in the Turkish city of Istanbul on June 28-29, 2004 was nothing less than epochal in terms of its geopolitical repercussions, where several historical thresholds were crossed and post-World War II international taboos violated. Continue reading