Chomsky Warns Of Risk Of Fascism In America

(PoliticalTheatrics) – Noam Chomsky, the leading leftwing intellectual, warned last week that fascism may be coming to the United States.

“I’m just old enough to have heard a number of Hitler’s speeches on the radio,” he said, “and I have a memory of the texture and the tone of the cheering mobs, and I have the dread sense of the dark clouds of fascism gathering” here at home.
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The Coming Dictatorship

In my article ”Saying Yes to the Party of No,” I commented on how pleased I’ve been to see Glenn Beck talking about a subject I’ve been writing about since the late seventies: a government-declared state of emergency leading to a ”temporary” dictatorship.

I have long believed that the mathematics of an insatiable entitlement society in the U.S. guarantees a runaway inflation, which likely would be followed by anarchy and chaos – a perfect excuse for government to resort to strong-armed totalitarian measures to ”restore order.” My model has always been Germany’s Weimar Republic in the 1920s, where runaway inflation brought Adolf Hitler to power. Continue reading

It Is Too Late To Prevent The Collapse Of The G-7 – Greece Is Irrelevant, We Are All Now Insolvent

(ZeroHedge) – For Greece, with on and off balance sheet liabilities at over 800%, it’s game over. For the Eurozone, with the same ratio at about 500%, it is also game over. For the US, at 500%+, it is, you guessed it (sorry Joseph Stiglitz), game over, but since we have the printers, it will simply take a little longer. Following up on yesterday’s popular post on prevailing delusions as captured by Albert Edwards’ colleague Dylan Grice, we present Albert’s latest outlook. Please don’t read this if you want to keep believing there is any hope left for the (developed) world. Continue reading

It Is Going To Be A Rocky Road – Chuck Baldwin

Let’s face it: most Americans live in a world of false security. This is somewhat understandable, given the fact that the majority of the U.S. population was born after 1945. Few remember the dangers and hardships of World War II; fewer still remember the Great Depression. Continue reading

Stop Begging Obama to Be Obama and Get Mad

The right-wing accusations against Barack Obama are true. He is a socialist, although he practices socialism for corporations. He is squandering the country’s future with deficits that can never be repaid. He has retained and even bolstered our surveillance state to spy on Americans. He is forcing us to buy into a health care system that will enrich corporations and expand the abuse of our for-profit medical care. He will not stanch unemployment. He will not end our wars. He will not rebuild the nation. He is a tool of the corporate state. Continue reading

Weimar Germany’s Hyperinflation Was Nothing Compared to Other Countries

(WashingtonsBlog) – You’ve heard how bad things were in the Weimar Republic, when people would rush straight to stores to buy food after receiving a pay check because their money would buy much less the next day. Continue reading

The Second Wave of The Depression: Hyperinflation is Likely – Webster Tarpley

The second wave of the world economic depression is coming soon. Larry Summers, the economics czar of the Wall Street puppet regime currently in power in Washington, recently confessed to the Financial Times in an unguarded moment: “I don’t think the worst is over ..” A few weeks earlier, Jacques Attali, who served in the 1980s as the main economics adviser to French President Mitterrand, told an audience at the International Economic and Financial Forum (FIEF) in Paris that the world might well soon face a planetary Weimar “in the form of a hyperinflationary depression similar to the German events of 1922 – 1923. Continue reading

The Second Wave Of The Depression – Hyperinflation Likely

(WebsterTarpley) – The second wave of the world economic depression is coming soon. Larry Summers, the economics czar of the Wall Street puppet regime currently in power in Washington, recently confessed to the Financial Times in an unguarded moment: “I don’t think the worst is over ….” A few weeks earlier, Jacques Attali, who served in the 1980s as the main economics adviser to French President Mitterrand, told an audience at the International Economic and Financial Forum (FIEF) in Paris that the world might well soon face a “planetary Weimar” in the form of a hyperinflationary depression similar to the German events of 1922 to 1923. Continue reading

The Ultimate October Surprise

Lyndon LaRouche has issued a pointed warning: The final collapse of the entire global financial system is just months away, and the window is rapidly closing on the last, best opportunity to avert a global plunge into a Dark Age that will make Europe’s plunge in the 14th Century seem mild by comparison. Continue reading

We’ve only just begun

According to the CIA’s World Factbook, Americas GDP for 2008 was $14.58 trillion dollars. Fox News reported The United States Government and The Federal Reserve have so far pledged & committed $23.7 trillion dollars, an amount that far exceeds the value of everything we produced in this country in 2008. Continue reading

Headed to National Socialism

Beware of leaders who come to power in troubled times, and then use foreign threats and economic crises to bolster their own power. Continue reading

Video: Marc Faber on Alex Jones Tv – Hyperinflation Coming to The USA!

Alex talks with Marc Faber, investment analyst, entrepreneur, and publisher of the renowned Gloom Boom & Doom Report. Faber recently predicted hyperinflation for the U.S. on a scale endured in Zimbabwe and the Weimar Republic Continue reading

The American Empire Is Bankrupt

This week marks the end of the dollar’s reign as the world’s reserve currency. It marks the start of a terrible period of economic and political decline in the United States. And it signals the last gasp of the American imperium. That’s over. It is not coming back. And what is to come will be very, very painful. Continue reading

Romer, Bernanke, and the Flying Donkeys

Obama’s economic Brain Trust has learned the wrong lessons from, and is repeating the mistakes of, the last Great Depression. Continue reading

MSM: Examiner Editorial – Get ready for Obama’s coming hyperinflation – 4-29-09

Santayana’s maxim – those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it – has grown threadbare from heavy use. But it unavoidably comes to mind this week, as President Barack Obama and his fellow Democrats on Capitol Hill blithely put the final touches on the chief executive’s proposed 2010 federal budget. Continue reading

The Weimar Hyperinflation? Could it Happen Again?

“It was horrible. Horrible! Like lightning it struck. No one was prepared. The shelves in the grocery stores were empty. You could buy nothing with your paper money.” – Harvard University law professor Friedrich Kessler on the Weimar Republic hyperinflation (1993 interview) Continue reading

Video: Alan Keys – Government Will Stage Terror, Declare Martial Law

Former Presidential candidate gives most dire warning yet about Obama agenda Continue reading

The New World Order Conspiracy Is A Fact…

At the time of me writing this there are a Series of Un-Constitutional Laws attempting to be passed through our oppressive government. The first is, H.R.1388 and H.R.1444, these laws contain within them the idea of “Mandatory Volunteerism” this idea is uniquely Un-American as it coerces the youth (from middle school up to college) of this country to participate in state approved services and orientation that they would not want to necessarily participate in. Continue reading