Video: Tx-Rep. Leo Berman on Alex Jones Tv

Alex also talks with Rep. Leo Berman of Texas who authored House Concurrent Resolution No. 50 declaring Texan sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment.

Part 1 of 2

Part 2 of 2

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2 thoughts on “Video: Tx-Rep. Leo Berman on Alex Jones Tv

  1. The market will correct itself“.


    Its done it over 200 times,“…

    This man has no idea what he is talking about. Now Alex is using Leo’s ignorance to propel his own agenda, even when Leo’s rationale is Rush’s ideology regurgitated (as he admits himself).

    Alex is a media whore. Even when his declared purpose is noble, he is suspect.

  2. You folks better wake up! These guys know alot more than you are willing to give them credit for. Obviously you are in a deep sleep, wake up! Wake up before it’s too late.

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