Tzipi Livni, Rahm Emanuel & ‘Al Qaeda’ (Mossad) Planning Next Terror Attack on America

Emanuel is, no doubt, planning the next terrorist attack on America When the attack(s) do occur, DOD troops will be deployed throughout America. Then Emanuel plans to Nuke Iran in response to those attacks. Continue reading

Key Nutrients Help Maintain Brain Function throughout Lifetime

(NaturalNews) If you want to stay mentally sharp all your life, new research shows the time to intervene is now. Alzheimer’s disease and dementia have complex causes that involve nutritional neglect as well as genetic risk factors and predisposition. Genetic risk factors for cognitive decline may remain dormant and never get switched on unless deficiencies in key nutrients are present. This suggests that nutritional status throughout the lifetime determines cognitive outcome. This is very good news because it means that people willing to make good nutrition a priority may not need to experience cognitive decline and the diseases that go with it. Continue reading

Video: Congressman Gary Ackerman goes NUTS on Security Exchange Commission

Congressman Gary Ackerman’s anger erupts on Security Exchange Commission Members during hearings about the Bernie Madoff scandal. Continue reading

US Intel Confirms Iran Not Developing Nukes

The new chief of US intelligence has confirmed the findings of a 2007 intelligence report that Iran has no nuclear weapons program.

Dennis Blair told the Senate Intelligence Committee that his organization has assessed that Tehran does not have nuclear weapons design and weaponization work. Continue reading

Secret Detention, Extraordinary Rendition, & Torture: New Evidence of DOD Cooperation with CIA Ghost Detention Program

Rights Groups Release Documents Obtained in FOIA Case Relating to Secret Detention, Extraordinary Rendition, and Torture Program

New Evidence of DOD Cooperation with CIA Ghost Detention Program Continue reading

MSM: Inflation – Brace yourself for higher food prices

The Telegraph’s measure of “real” inflation, the Real Cost of Living Index, is at minus 3.4pc. But the era of cheap food could be over within a decade. Continue reading

MSM: US unemployment climbs to a 32-year high

The number of Americans drawing unemployment benefit has risen to a 32-year high, underlining the need for President Barack Obama’s $789bn (£554bn) fiscal stimulus package. Continue reading

Ex-official: Israel can hardly wait to attack Iran

Tel Aviv has by no means shelved its plans to strike the Iranian nuclear infrastructure, says a former Israeli envoy to the United Nations. Continue reading

Video: Officer Jack McLamb on The Alex Jones Show

Alex talks with Arizona’s most highly decorated lawman and radio talk show host, Jack McLamb. Continue reading

Why You Need Nutritional Supplements for the Rest of Your Life

If you think you may not need dietary supplements, read this. It could change your health for the rest of your life. Continue reading

FDA Declares Form of Vitamin B6 a Drug, Effectively Banning Pyridoxamine from Dietary Supplements

(NaturalNews) The FDA has effectively banned a naturally-occurring form of vitamin B6 called pyridoxamine by declaring it to be a drug, reports the American Association for Health Freedom. Responding to a petition filed by a drug company, the FDA declared pyridoxamine to be “a new drug.” Continue reading

Fed Up With the Fed

The way Ron Paul tells it, his more than 30 years of speaking and writing about money, inflation, and the Federal Reserve System attracted only limited interest outside libertarian and constitutionalist circles. The subject, and Paul as its spokesman, were scarcely to be found in the media, even—or perhaps especially—on the business networks. Continue reading

Gun dealers experiencing shortages of bullets

Selling bullets may be the most secure job in Florida as long as supplies last. Continue reading

Global Television for Our Future Global Leader

Surprise and even shock were among the reactions to my recent column about how elite members of the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos, Switzerland, were considering a proposal for a new global television network to usher in a state of “global governance.” It sounded authoritarian, even totalitarian, to some.

Here are more of the troubling details. Continue reading