U.S. Energy Department Cannot Account for Nuclear Materials at 15 Locations

WASHINGTON — A number of U.S. institutions with licenses to hold nuclear material reported to the Energy Department in 2004 that the amount of material they held was less than agency records indicated. But rather than investigating the discrepancies, Energy officials wrote off significant quantities of nuclear material from the department’s inventory records. Continue reading

MSM: Iran has enough uranium ‘to build a nuclear bomb’

Iran has enough enriched uranium to build one nuclear bomb, the United Nations has confirmed for the first time. Continue reading

Claim: Iran will be able to build first nuclear bomb by February

Comment: As many observers have pointed out, the accuracy of Debka File’s reports on Iran is questionable because they are little more than a Mossad front, but we reprint part of the article for the sake of debate.

It is worth noting that the official U.S. National Intelligence Estimate concluded that Iran suspended its nuclear weapons campaign in late 2003. Continue reading