MSM: Undercounting deaths of US soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan

(Reuters) – By most counts, the death toll of U.S. soldiers in America’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan stood at 5,157 in the second week of September. Add at least 1,360 private contractors working for the U.S. and the number tops 6,500. Continue reading

The Great Swine Flu or the Great Flu Swindle?

How serious should we take mainstream media’s hysteria about 0.00000189 of Mexico’s total population contracting swine flu?  Is this a pandemic?  By definition, it has to be geographically widespread (see Pandemic Nonsense: Flying Pig Flu). Continue reading

US occupation of Iraq: An ongoing criminal enterprise

Recent media reports on the mounting evidence of wholesale corruption in US reconstruction efforts in Iraq are symptomatic of the criminal nature of Washington’s war and occupation from their inception nearly six years ago. These crimes are continuing under the Obama administration, with no end in sight. Continue reading