Video: What You Believe “It’s an Illusion”

This is John Harris’s talk “It’s an illusion” which was held at The Foundry, London on the 24th February 2009.

John’s talk is evolving with the information he receives from fellow researchers, TPUC members and the world wide community.
John’s next talk at The Foundry will be on the 26th March 2009.
John will be embarking on nationwide presentations of his talk “It’s an illusion” throughout 2009, with his perspective of our history and our position in the world.

Recent findings and collaboration with TPUC members & fellow researchers has allowed John to present in simple terms his understanding of Politics, Common Law, Statute Law, Contracting and much more.

2 thoughts on “Video: What You Believe “It’s an Illusion”

  1. I agree that we should not change things through a violent revolution, however, I remain confused as to how this will be done when the vast majority do not understand how the law works.
    In America, the people were given the tools to control the government, but those tools were dismantled with the consent of the majority. This country, the US, does not have a vehicle for enacting laws with a majority vote. Laws can only be enacted by reference to a constitutional power.
    It would take much more than a vast majority to change things peacefully. The entire education would need to be revamped immediately so that every student understands that his elected representative has only authority to act from original intent, and not some fiction that has been passed by the legal profession.
    Perhaps someone here can tell me how this will be done peacefully because as far as I can tell, even those with an understanding of something being wrong will cling to the notion that laws are made to protect them, or have some spurious benefit to society at large.

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