Germany-1933 vs Israel- 2009

Editor’s note: The rise of the rightwing in Israel through the recent Knesset elections that was preceded by the bloody war on Gaza, that left more than 1,300 dead most of them are women and children, has aroused a lot of criticism among Palestinians. Khalid Amayreh opines about the rise of Lieberman. Continue reading

Secrets of the Reichstag Fire

10 False Flags that Changed the World: #7

7When people hear “King of Beers” they think of Budweiser. And when “King of Rock ‘n’ Roll” is mentioned, Elvis Presley comes to mind. But when somebody talks about the “King of False Flag Operations,” ten to one they’re referring to the Reichstag Fire.

In 1933 — just a week before general elections that might place enough Nazis in office to make Hitler defacto dictator — the Reichstag, which housed the parliament of the German Empire, was set on fire. It wasn’t a wastebasket variety fire, either; by the time the firemen and police arrived, that thing was a smoking hugeonic conflagration. Continue reading