21st Century Climate Blueprints: Perspectives From The Recent History of the Atmosphere

The Earth surface temperature reflects the net balance between incoming solar shortwave radiation and outgoing terrestrial long wave radiation Kiehl and Trenberth, 1997 [1]. The severe disturbance of the energy balance of the atmosphere ensuing from the emission of over 320 billion tons of carbon since 1750 threatens a shift in the state of the atmosphere/ocean system to ice free greenhouse Earth conditions. Continue reading

Indigenous ‘genocide’ in battle for oilfields

It has been called the world’s second “oil war” but the only similarity between Iraq and events in the jungles of northern Peru over the past few weeks has been the mismatch of force. On one side have been police armed with automatic weapons, tear gas, helicopter gunships and armoured cars. On the other are several thousand Awajun and Wambis Indians, many of them in war paint and armed with bows and arrows, and spears. Continue reading