Video: Glenn Beck and Penn Jillette on MIAC report

Glenn Beck and Penn Jillette talk about the MIAC report implicating libertarians as possible members of militias and domestic terrorists

6 thoughts on “Video: Glenn Beck and Penn Jillette on MIAC report

  1. WOW! IF IT WEREN’T SO OBSCENE IT’D BE ALMOST A THING OF BEAUTY—- I HAVE TO LOOK AT ALL PEOPLE WHO’VE SIDED WITH THE ILLUMINATI IN ORDER TO MOVE THEIR CAREERS FORWARD WITH A KIND OF SKEWED AWE…….. LIKE WATCHING A BLACK WIDOW….the disinformation was coming so fast from both sides it felt like being in labor again. Just as you got over the PennPus (“terrorists on 9/11”), you got hit with that poor patsy, mind- controlled, microchipped Timothy McVeigh. And, as common knowledge and common sense would dictate, fertilizer didn’t bring down the Murrah Building — explosives did. People have Got to realize how much of their hard- earned $$$ goes into keeping us ignorant. THANKS FOR GETTING the BALL ROLLING , MYTHICSHADOW.—R.B.

  2. Who’s worse? The phony Glen Beck? Or the phony Penn Jillete?

    Neither of these douchebags “know” that 9/11 was an inside job? Come on? It’s pretty obvious these guys are on the side of the New World Order, and they’re faithfully following orders to carefully make us think they’re on “our side.” What a load of crap! They are both disgusting.

  3. Actually, MICRONUKES SEEM TO BE THE WEAPON of choice when it comes to government- sponsered terroractivity….. reality concealed, not only behind ‘black’ (hidden) operations but behind people like Beck and Penn. They have a Goebbles- like creepiness; any lie “in service”…to the career, the bank account, at the expense of truth and soul. The irony is, someone like Himmler or Goebbles had more integrity– they truly believed in their own backhanded sensibility. Whereas these men can’t have any conviction in what their saying- both are too smart for that. So their “performance” was at it’s core flat. And that gross, poor Penn just comes off uncomfortable….he should be, colluding in this pernicious nonsense.

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