Video: 6 Brainwashing Techniques They’re Using On You Right Now

Brainwashing doesn’t take any sci-fi gadgetry or Manchurian Candidate hypnotism bullshit. There are all sorts of tried-and-true techniques that anyone can use to bypass the thinking part of your brain and flip a switch deep inside that says “OBEY.” Continue reading

Video: Dear Glenn Beck, Detention Camps DO Exist In America

Why would anyone give credibility to an investigation by a man who just one year ago called for the suspension of the First Amendment? Continue reading

Video: Dobbs – Obama setting up New World Order

President Obama said that globalization can be an enormous force for good, Prime minister Gordon Brown then pushed for what he calls a “Global New Deal” payed for by the United States. Continue reading

Obama Urges Americans to Invest in Plummeting Stock Market – 3-04-09

It’s official. Obama thinks you’re an idiot.

Appearing in the Oval Office with the snake oil salesman for world government, British PM Gordon Brown, Obama fielded a question about the stock market. Stocks are starting to look like “potentially a good deal … if you have a long-term perspective on it,” Continue reading

China readies military space station – launch coincides with shuttle phaseout

China is aggressively accelerating the pace of its manned space program by developing a 17,000 lb. man-tended military space laboratory planned for launch by late 2010. The mission will coincide with a halt in U.S. manned flight with phase-out of the shuttle.

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Blueprints for a Police State

Seven newly released memos from the Bush Justice Department reveal a concerted strategy to cloak the President with power to override the Constitution. The memos provide “legal” rationales for the President to suspend freedom of speech and press; order warrantless searches and seizures, including wiretaps of U.S. citizens; lock up U.S. citizens indefinitely in the United States without criminal charges; send suspected terrorists to other countries where they will likely be tortured; and unilaterally abrogate treaties. According to the reasoning in the memos, Congress has no role to check and balance the executive. That is the definition of a police state. Continue reading

Law Professor: “We May Not Have Realized It At The Time, But In The Period From Late 2001-January 19, 2009, This Country Was A Dictatorship.”

Scott Horton – a professor at Columbia Law School and writer for Harper’s – says of the Bush administration memos authorizing torture, spying, indefinite detention without charge, the use of the military within the U.S. and the suspension of free speech and press rights: Continue reading

Corruption-US: How Wall Street Paid For Its Own Funeral

A new report says that Wall Street has only itself to blame for the misguided deregulation that led to the current deepening financial crisis. Continue reading

MSM: Former top judge says US risks edging near to dictatorship

Sandra Day O’Connor, a Republican-appointed judge who retired last month after 24 years on the supreme court, has said the US is in danger of edging towards dictatorship if the party’s rightwingers continue to attack the judiciary. Continue reading

MSM: Pakistan declares – ‘We are at war’

Pakistan declared that it was in a “state of war” after masked gunmen ambushed the Sri Lankan cricket team as they were on their way to play a Test match, injuring six players and their English assistant coach as well as killing seven Pakistanis. Continue reading

MSM: China to increase defense spending by 15 per cent

China is to increase official military spending by almost 15 per cent this year as it seeks to upgrade its smart technology and improve the living standards of its soldiers. Continue reading

Film: There You Go Again – Orwell Comes to America

In his classic essay “Politics and the English Language,” George Orwell described political speech as consisting “largely of euphemism, question-begging and sheer cloudy vagueness.” Six decades later, the tactics of disinformation and manipulation diagnosed by Orwell persist on the political battlefield, along with new propaganda techniques made possible by advances in scientific knowledge and modern technology. Continue reading

LaRouche: Israeli Leadership Is Suicidally Insane

Lyndon LaRouche today warned that the present leadership of Israel is displaying clear evidence of suicidal, clinical insanity. “From Lieberman and Netanyahu to the ostensibly more sane leadership of Kadima and Labor,” LaRouche observed, “I see nothing but madness. The Gaza invasion was as much a poke in the eye to the incoming U.S. President Barack Obama, as it was a crime against humanity, directed at the elimination of the 1.5 million Palestinian inhabitants of the Gaza. The fact that the invasion ended, like clock-work, 48 hours before the Obama inauguration, was as clear a message to the incoming U.S. Administration as one could imagine.” Continue reading