MSM: Lula Says Leaders Afraid Israel May Attack Iran If Talks Fail

(Bloomberg) – Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said world leaders are afraid that Israel may attack Iran if a diplomatic solution over the country’s nuclear program is not reached “quickly.” Continue reading

It’s bomb, bomb, bomb Iran time

(AsiaTimes) – The United States and Western “bomb, bomb, bomb Iran” crowd – hysteria running at fever pitch ahead of Thursday’s multilateral nuclear talks in Geneva – could do worse than have a word with Brazilian President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva. Continue reading

Deal: United States soldiers will deploy to Colombia

(RawStory) – Chavez: ‘The winds of war [are] beginning to blow’
Some American troops will soon find themselves stationed at military bases scattered across the South American nation of Colombia with a mission to use advanced Predator drone technology to aid in fighting the drug trade and to combat terrorism, according to published reports Saturday. Continue reading

MSM: Nazi slaves of the haciendas: Hitler fanatics forced orphans to build new Fatherland in Amazon

Bricks marked with swastikas on a crumbling building in Brazil have helped historians trace an astonishing plan by Adolf Hitler for a Nazi empire in South America. Continue reading

MSM: Brazil and China eye plan to axe dollar

(FT) – Brazil and China will work towards using their own currencies in trade transactions rather than the US dollar, according to Brazil’s central bank and aides to Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Brazil’s president. Continue reading

Obama Urges Americans to Invest in Plummeting Stock Market – 3-04-09

It’s official. Obama thinks you’re an idiot.

Appearing in the Oval Office with the snake oil salesman for world government, British PM Gordon Brown, Obama fielded a question about the stock market. Stocks are starting to look like “potentially a good deal … if you have a long-term perspective on it,” Continue reading

Analyst: One Third Of Banks Could Collapse In 2009

Silva tells CNBC up to a thousand face failure or forced mergers

Financial analyst Ralph Silva of TowerGroup told CNBC this morning that he expects no less than one third of banks to fail in 2009 and that anything up to a thousand could collapse if they don’t merge.

Silva said that only five or six global banks have enough funds to survive comfortably throughout 2009.

“The rest of the banks, and that means a thousand other banks, don’t have enough money to get themselves through 2009,” added Silva. Continue reading