9/11 Heroes Blast Obama: Forget The Mosque, We’re Dying

(SteveWatson) – Responders find Obama’s choice to address hyped controversy “disturbing” in face of abject silence over toxic dust health epidemic Continue reading

BP Oil Gusher

(RussiaToday) – Video: Poison Spreads – Gulf air turns toxic after oil spill ‘relief effort’

As Hurricane Alex is sweeping towards the American coastline, it has already disrupted the oil spill containment efforts in the Gulf of Mexico …and drawn the crude to environmentally sensitive regions. Meanwhile further inland, people are starting to complain about strange symptoms and illnesses that could be related to the clean-up work. View Video Here

(MiamiHerald) – Oil hitting Mississippi beaches by the ton – Read More Here


(FloridaOilSpillLaw) – Top scientist: Only one ship testing methane levels in Gulf, NOAA hiding results; Amount is “just startlingly high” – Read More Here

(Examiner) – Florida least affected as oil spill fishing closure now covers about 33% of the Gulf of Mexico – Read More Here

(WashingtonsBlog) – Department of Energy: Oil Well Drill Pipe Was Violently Ejected Upwards Into the Blowout Preventer – Read More Here

(BostonTea) – BP Oil Disaster

Below is a list of links to stories and information regarding the situation in the Gulf of Mexico. The first two are the most important, in my opinion. This must be the greatest environmental disaster in the history of mankind. It threatens the gulf region and perhaps even the entire world with total devastation. The articles below demonstrate BP’s negligence and the government’s role in worsening the situation. Read More Here

Video: Australian 60 Minutes Coverage of BP Oil Spill – Video Link Here

(DJMD) – The BP Environmental Catastrophe: Living on a Dying Delta – Dahr Jamail – Read More Here

(AP) – Video: Raw Video – World’s Largest Oil Skimmer Arrives – Video Link Here

(MorningBell) – Obama’s Oil Spill To-Do List – Read More Here

(Rense) – Treachery In The Gulf

What has happened in the Gulf of Mexico was not by accident. It was most likely a design to support an agenda. What that agenda is we do not know exactly but I will try to connect the dots. We may soon know the true extent of its nature by the “solutions” our government imposes on the people in the Gulf area. Read More Here

(FoxNews) – Video: People Getting Sick GULF OIL SYNDROME – View Video Here

(PaulWatson) – Obama Wants The Oil Spill Crisis To Get Worse

Why has President Obama waited over two months into the BP oil spill crisis before accepting offers of international assistance that were there from the very start, seemingly waiting for hurricanes to hit the region which will only make the crisis worse? Read More Here

(MiamiHerald) – Oil hitting Mississippi beaches by the ton – Read More Here

(June 30) – Video: Alex Jones – Obama Forbids Republicans from Visiting Gulf Oil Spill Disaster!! – Continue reading

Children are dying from ADHD Drugs

National Alliance against Mandated Mental Health Screening and Psychiatric Drugging of Children
April 15, 2001 this website was created in hopes of providing parents and guardians with information about the truth behind ADHD and the drugs used to treat children diagnosed with ADD or ADHD.

We built this website because we didn’t want other children to die or suffer side effects because of their parents lack of knowledge. Website Here

20 Sobering Statistics/Reasons As To Why We Must End the Wars and Save More of Our Soldier Children and Middle Eastern Citizens From Suffering And Dying

[this is a re-post from 9-14-09] The only war the United States seems to be winning is the one on EMPATHY. Time to reverse that one, and end the two in the Middle East. Obama, eager to win some influence on health care reform with the Republican neocons, has begun to get approval from them for the escalation of the war in Afghanistan and the non-withdrawal withdrawal in Iraq. Continue reading

“Death Bonds”: Wall Street’s Shocking New Plan to Reap Billions Off Dying Americans

Now we know why America’s oligarchs are fighting to keep the rest of us stuck in the world’s worst health care system: the more we die, the more billions Wall Street will earn. Continue reading

Global War and Dying Democracy: The Revolution of the Elites

This article is the 5th and final part in the series, “Global Power and Global Government,” published by Global Research. Continue reading

MSM: Nazi slaves of the haciendas: Hitler fanatics forced orphans to build new Fatherland in Amazon

Bricks marked with swastikas on a crumbling building in Brazil have helped historians trace an astonishing plan by Adolf Hitler for a Nazi empire in South America. Continue reading

MSM: In Chile, the birds are dying, and no one knows why

A series of environmental disasters in Chile have puzzled scientists. Some are blaming global warming. Continue reading

Catastrophic fall in numbers reveals bird populations in crisis throughout the world

The birds of the world are in serious trouble, and common species are in now decline all over the globe, a comprehensive new review suggests today.

From the turtle doves of Europe to the vultures of India, from the bobwhite quails of the US to the yellow cardinals of Argentina, from the eagles of Africa to the albatrosses of the Southern Ocean, the numbers of once-familiar birds are tumbling everywhere, according to the study from the conservation partnership BirdLife International.
Continue reading