Blueprints for a Police State

Seven newly released memos from the Bush Justice Department reveal a concerted strategy to cloak the President with power to override the Constitution. The memos provide “legal” rationales for the President to suspend freedom of speech and press; order warrantless searches and seizures, including wiretaps of U.S. citizens; lock up U.S. citizens indefinitely in the United States without criminal charges; send suspected terrorists to other countries where they will likely be tortured; and unilaterally abrogate treaties. According to the reasoning in the memos, Congress has no role to check and balance the executive. That is the definition of a police state. Continue reading

Video Link: Incredible Documentary Footage of Mass Arrest in St. Paul

Newly released footage, which was buried to avoid confiscation, shows riot cops arresting and abusing a giant group of people for nothing. Continue reading

RNC: Secret Service Confiscates Ron Paul Delegates’ Materials

Delegate Dennis Rothacker from FL opened this story when he sent the
following urgent text message:

“We just had a group shot of all the RP delegates and alternates, the
secret service came and started searching everyone and took anything RP
related. We got it on video though…” Continue reading