FEC commissioner helped RNC conceal role in 2004 vote suppression

(RawStory) –  Caroline Hunter, a Bush-appointed Federal Election Commissioner who remains in office, provided misleading statements under oath in an effort to conceal Republican National Committee involvement in vote suppression activities during the 2004 presidential election, a Raw Story investigation has found. Continue reading

Video: Corporations already buying Congress

(RussiaToday) – For the first time in recent history, the lobbying, grassroots and advertising budget of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has surpassed the spending of both the RNC and DNC. Does this mean corporate money is going to even further weaken the power of political parties and candidates? Will political parties cease to be important? How will this affect issues? Remember that six of the largest health insurers in the US funded TV ads that attacked the healthcare reform bills in Congress –and the ads were reportedly placed by the US Chamber of Commerce. Continue reading

Pentagon Multiple Choice: Dissenting Americans are Terrorists

Last week the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California issued a press release demanding the Department of Defense stop teaching employees that dissent is a form of low-level terrorism. Continue reading

Preemptive Policing & the National Security State: Repressing Dissent at the Republican National Convention

Antifascist Calling…

With “preemptive policing” all the rage in Washington, the whistleblowing website Wikileaks has done it again, exposing how repressive trends in the U.S. had real world consequences for democracy during September’s Republican National Convention (RNC) in St. Paul, Minnesota.

On November 15, the global whistleblowers published a leaked planning document “Special Event Planning: 2008 Republican National Convention,” a dense schematic used by repressors who targeted activists, journalists and concerned citizens during the far-right conclave.

Continue reading

Video Link: Incredible Documentary Footage of Mass Arrest in St. Paul


Newly released footage, which was buried to avoid confiscation, shows riot cops arresting and abusing a giant group of people for nothing. Continue reading

Video Links: Ron Paul’s Rally for the Republic Videos

Here is a pretty good cross section of the activities and coverage of the events in Minnesota. If you can find the videos of Howard Phillips, Doug Wead, Grover Norquist, John Tate, or any other RP Nation Celebration performers, please post them in comments and I will add them to the list. We have the official videos from all of these events and will be editing them and releasing them in the coming weeks. Enjoy! Continue reading

Storm Troopers at the RNC

Ten days ago, as the nation focused attention on the hurricane nearing the Mississippi delta, another storm was brewing far upstream in St. Paul, Minnesota — a storm far more dangerous, it turned out, but one by and large overlooked by the Fawning Corporate Media (FCM). Continue reading

DEVELOPING: Detainee alleges torture in Ramsey County jail

“Elliot Hughes recounts allegations of torture while being detained in Ramsey County Jail. Hughes was detained during an RNC08 protest after reportedly colliding with a police bicycle on accident. He was sent to Regions Hospital for treatment and later released without charges. We are actively investigating these claims. Stay tuned for more.”

RNC: Secret Service Confiscates Ron Paul Delegates’ Materials

Delegate Dennis Rothacker from FL opened this story when he sent the
following urgent text message:

“We just had a group shot of all the RP delegates and alternates, the
secret service came and started searching everyone and took anything RP
related. We got it on video though…” Continue reading

Video: Ron Paul says it’s time to end the empire

Paul Jay, from the ‘Real News Network,’ interviews Ron Paul from the “Rally for the Republic” Continue reading

BREAKING: RNC 8 Charged with “Conspiracy to Riot in Furtherance of Terrorism”

Monica Bicking, Eryn Trimmer, Luce Guillen Givins, Erik Oseland, Nathanael Secor, Robert Czernik, Garrett Fitzgerald, and Max Spector, face up to 7 1/2 years in prison under the terrorism enhancement charge which allows for a 50% increase in the maximum penalty. Continue reading

Who Is Wrecking America? – Paul Craig Roberts

What is wrecking America is the Democratic Party, which was put in control of the House and Senate in the 2006 congressional elections to stop the gratuitous wars and gestapo police, but, instead, has continued to cooperate with the Cheney/Bush regime in behalf of war and police repression, such as we witnessed at the Republican National Convention. Continue reading

Police State Methods: Preemptive Strikes Against Protest at the Republican National Convention

In the months leading up to the Republican National Convention, the FBI-led Minneapolis Joint Terrorist Task Force actively recruited people to infiltrate vegan groups and other leftist organizations and report back about their activities. On May 21, the Minneapolis City Pages ran a recruiting story called “Moles Wanted.” Law enforcement sought to preempt lawful protest against the policies of the Bush administration during the convention. Continue reading

Looking at America’s Police State

There were arrests of demonstrators in Denver also. Some of the same heavy-handed techniques were used there. Since when do peaceful protesters deserve this kind of treatment? What’s happening in this country? When did we lose the right to dissent? Continue reading

St. Paul police share plans for $50 million in RNC spending

About $5 million will be spent on supplies that include $1.9 million for chemical irritant, $308,500 for fuel and $1 million for chemical masks. Continue reading

Video: Fox host – RNC protesters should just be left in jail

The hosts of Fox & Friends were predictably irate on Tuesday about the alleged anarchists who have been witnessed causing disruptions during the Republican National Convention, while ignoring questionable police tactics and seemingly indiscriminate arrests directed against peaceful protesters and journalists. Continue reading