Provocateurs Openly Announce Plans To Stage Tea Party Violence

(PaulWatson) – With the establishment desperate to engender and exploit violence which will be used to demonize the Tea Party movement as an extremist mob, so-called anarchists are now openly declaring their intentions to pose as Tea Party members and stage violence in order to discredit populist grass roots organizations. Continue reading

Video: Feds Prepare To Use Anarchists To Provoke Tea Party Violence

(PaulWatson) – Given the past history of how so-called “anarchist” groups are so easily infiltrated and provocateured by the authorities to commit meaningless acts of violence that only serve to discredit political causes, we should be alarmed by the possibility that anarchist plans to “crash the tea parties” will present the perfect opportunity for the establishment to create a flashpoint with which to demonize constitutionalists as unruly extremists. Continue reading

Infoshop Anarchists Plan to Disrupt April 15 Tea Party Protests

(KurtNimmo) – It is hardly surprising “anarchists” (now synonymous in many instances with government agents provocateurs) are calling for “crashing” Tea Party events. Government ops masquerading as anti-government activists often attack the real folks who oppose the government. Governments have run such false flag operations since time immemorial. Continue reading

Video: A Familiar Pattern – “Anarchists” Disrupt Peaceful Protest in Vancouver

(KurtNimmo) – Once again, so-called “anarchists,” clad in black with their faces masked, have engaged in violent protest and property destruction, this time in Vancouver during the 2010 Olympics.
“A loosely organized group of ‘thugs’ from central Canada promoting anarchy were among 200 anti-Olympic protesters who marched through downtown Vancouver Saturday, smashing plate glass windows at Hudson’s Bay and TD bank, overturning newspaper boxes and assaulting bystanders, police say. They used spray paint on cars and transit buses, tore down signs and threw about road construction barricades as they marched down the street,” reports CTV. Continue reading

VA State Police Say Anti-NWO and Gun Rights Activists are Terrorists

Another document designating Americans as terrorists has surfaced. The document, entitled “Crisis Controlled: Assessing Potential Threats of Violence,” authored by Trooper John R. Wright, is posted on the official website of the Commonwealth of Virginia, under the Department of Human Resources Management. Continue reading

Glenn Beck’s Outrageous Lie: Racist Von Brunn is “Hero of 9/11 Truthers”

There should be absolutely no doubt Glenn Beck is a government disinfo operative tasked with taking down the 9/11 truth and patriot movements. In fact, Fox News — as a primary fount of Operation Mockingbird — is tasked with attacking not only the 9/11 truth movement but the pro-liberty and Constitution movements as well. Continue reading

Video: Unseen Footage – Riot police attack peaceful protesters at G20

While the police stood off the hardcore anarchists smashing up the windows of the Royal Bank of Scotland, riot squads were ordered to wade into the “climate camp” protesters, a few streets away, and “kettle” them into a very confined space.

The police use this tactic to effectively wear down peaceful demonstrators, thus significantly halting the protest. These scenes were not shown on the major news networks. Continue reading

Five Reasons Why Americans Won’t Resist

Protest (American, definitely not a verb): Wait for UFPJ or ANSWER to stage a parade (I mean, demonstration) on a weekend afternoon so no one misses work or school or in any way disrupts the flow of commerce. Don’t make a sign; the organizers will make one for you. March in an orderly fashion, be polite to the occupying army (I mean, cops), Continue reading

Video: Fox host – RNC protesters should just be left in jail

The hosts of Fox & Friends were predictably irate on Tuesday about the alleged anarchists who have been witnessed causing disruptions during the Republican National Convention, while ignoring questionable police tactics and seemingly indiscriminate arrests directed against peaceful protesters and journalists. Continue reading