RNC: Secret Service Confiscates Ron Paul Delegates’ Materials

Delegate Dennis Rothacker from FL opened this story when he sent the
following urgent text message:

“We just had a group shot of all the RP delegates and alternates, the
secret service came and started searching everyone and took anything RP
related. We got it on video though…”

Today at the Republican National Convention, as the Ron Paul Delegates were
taking a picture in front of the model White House inside the Convention
Center, they were surrounded by Secret Service which proceeded to search the
bags of all the delegates. They took everything related to Ron Paul
including signs, buttons, videos, slim jims, cards, even books. “This is
an obvious and outrageous violation of our first amendment rights” said
Nathan Hanson, attorney and Delegate from MN.

Alternate Delegate Dennis Rothacker from Florida said “We were done taking
the picture when Secret Service started walking into the room and surrounded
us. There were about 30 of them. When they searched my bags they took my Ron
Paul sign and turned a deaf ear to my complaints, they just walked away.”
Another delegate said that the people surrounding them were wearing red
McCain hats and identified themselves as police to him.

Delegate Ron Warner from Fairbanks, Alaska added that as he was walking into
the convention center today with about 15 Revolution Manifesto books, 20
DVD’s for Delegates, 20 Ron Paul buttons and a handful of other things, he
was stopped by security which called on upon an apparent supervisor,
who directed all the materials to be confiscated. She told him, “You can’t bring that in here, this is McCain territory”

Dennis, Ron and the other delegates report being openly followed by Secret
Service. Dennis says that delegates known to support Ron Paul had been
openly monitored from the beginning of the convention, but that now they are
being shadowed constantly by these people.

There are also reports of delegates being approached by security and told
that they will be summarily thrown out if they leave their assigned chair,
and are advised not to walk around.

Delegate Corey Sax From MN’s district five was on the floor and he witnessed
six oral votes for Ron Paul out of a forty something total delegation. These
votes were counted, but not read aloud by the RNC in the count or shown in
the screen. He and others said that they thought there was an obvious
attempt to suppress the votes casted for Ron Paul.

Corey says that Ron Carey and Tim (last name missing) witnessed the RNC tell
them that they had technical difficulties and that was the reason for not
reading the votes for Ron Paul. He says that the same happened to the Texas
delegation and the delegation from other states. He clearly stated that
illegal under-counting of delegates votes was going on across many states
delegations. It appears that the number of votes casted for Ron Paul were
not read aloud or posted on the screen.

Adam Weigold, Delegate from MN, reported that today he has been approached
at least five times by other delegates at large who ask him to borrow his
pass to go the bathroom. From his conversation with other delegates, he
believes that this is part of an orchestrated effort because many of them
have been approached. Without their pass credentials, they would not be able
to claim their seat or remain at the convention.

Other delegates who gave interviews were Jeff Austin, from NC, and Nathan Hanson,
a delegate and attorney from MN.

The delegates remain at the convention center till 10:30 or 11:00PM. They
were planning to approach the media and demand that this obvious disregard
for the first amendment and for their votes in a national US election for
president be reported by the national media.

St Paul MN

Boris Morales is an independent citizen journalist affiliated with
www.federaljack.com you can contact him at ronpaullegacy@gmail.com

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