The Creation of the Second Great Depression by Ron Paul

Whenever a Great Bipartisan Consensus is announced, and a compliant media assures everyone that the wondrous actions of our wise leaders are being taken for our own good, you can know with absolute certainty that disaster is about to strike.

The events of the past week are no exception.
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Illuminati Bankers Are Making A Killing On This Crisis

The price tag for bailing out the US financial system may exceed $1.3 trillion dollars.

The purchase price for the mortgage lenders, Bear Stearns and AIG is over $300 billion. Now the assumption of the bad loans held by the banks may cost an additional trillion dollars. Continue reading

Financial Meltdown: The Financial Edifice of U.S. Imperialism is in Danger of Crumbling

The events of the last ten days on Wall Street represent a new and more destabilizing phase of the turmoil gripping financial institutions and markets in the U.S. A financial crisis has been unfolding for more than a year. It is now the most serious financial crisis of U.S. capitalism since the Great Depression of the 1930s. And it is by no means contained or under control. Continue reading

Prestigious Group of 192 Economists – Including Nobel Prize Winners – Slams Bailout

To the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate:

As economists, we want to express to Congress our great concern for the plan proposed by Treasury Secretary Paulson to deal with the financial crisis. We are well aware of the difficulty of the current financial situation and we agree with the need for bold action to ensure that the financial system continues to function. We see three fatal pitfalls in the currently proposed plan: Continue reading

MSM: Refusing Dollar as “World Currency” Inevitable

Latest developments in the financial markets of US and see-saws in the exchange rate of dollar have undermined the position of the America currency in world markets. Today, even more countries are thinking about refusing dollar USD as reserve currency. By doing this, they want to secure their markets and promote the role of national currencies.
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MSM: U.s. & Pakistani Troops Fighting on Afghan-Pakistani Border

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (CNN) — U.S. and Pakistani troops exchanged fire Thursday along the Pakistani-Afghan border minutes after the Pakistani military fired shots at two American helicopters that were providing cover for the troops, a U.S. military spokesman said.
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US ‘Will lose financial superpower status’ If Bailout Occurs.

The US will lose its role as a global financial “superpower” in the wake of the financial crisis, Peer Steinbrück, German finance minister, forecast on Thursday in the most outspoken comments by a senior European government figure since Wall Street plunged into chaos two weeks ago.
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NO DEAL YET on bailout!!! Still You MUST reject the Paulson/Bernanke plan

Urgent: Boehner adding to Bachus comment about “no deal.”

Per Pergram-Capitol Hill

Off-camera, to Fox, House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) concurred with Bachus that there was no deal yet. But said there seemed to be a broad consensus on the macro principles. But there was still a lot of heavy lifting on the “core” and the details of what this package may look like.

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Catastrophic fall in numbers reveals bird populations in crisis throughout the world

The birds of the world are in serious trouble, and common species are in now decline all over the globe, a comprehensive new review suggests today.

From the turtle doves of Europe to the vultures of India, from the bobwhite quails of the US to the yellow cardinals of Argentina, from the eagles of Africa to the albatrosses of the Southern Ocean, the numbers of once-familiar birds are tumbling everywhere, according to the study from the conservation partnership BirdLife International.
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MSM: Peres – U.S. has no choice but to save world from Ahmadinejad

The United States has no choice but to save the world by stopping Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President Shimon Peres told Israel Radio on Thursday.

The president said Ahmadinejad was a passing phenomenon who will disappear “like a gust of wind,” Israel Radio reported. Peres added that Ahmadinejad’s statements against Israel and the West only serve to unite the entire world against Iran. Continue reading

Action Alert – You MUST reject the Paulson/Bernanke plan

Action Alert
Capitol Hill Switchboard: (202) 224-3121

“Dear Senator/Representative:

You MUST reject the Paulson/Bernanke plan for bailing out and propping up reckless banks at taxpayer expense.  This is madness to ask us, the taxpayers, to cover the liabilities of Wall Street. We are tired of being fleeced.  If you vote to support this plan, I will do everything in my power to remove you from office before you can give away any more of our money to failed businessmen.

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Bush/Paulson’s New Communist America Plan Can Not Even Fix The Housing Collapse

Turns out we didn’t need “stealth socialist” Barack Obama to pervert capitalist America into a crumbling nationalized economy run in private by a dome-skulled kleptocracy as our nation’s battered military wastes away in the forgotten bummer of a civil war in Afghanistan. WAIT A MINUTE that is exactly what happened in the Soviet Union! And the so-called Republicans did it, because they are Fiscal Socialists!
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China asks local lenders not to lend to U.S. banks:report

HONG KONG (MarketWatch) — Chinese regulators have asked domestic banks to stop lending to U.S. financial institutions in the interbank money markets to prevent possible losses during the financial crisis, the South China Morning Post reported Thursday. The China Banking Regulatory Commission’s ban on interbank lending of all currencies applied to U.S. banks, but not to lenders from other countries, the report added, citing a source.


MSM: The Pentagon will receive a record $488B budget; automakers get $25B in loans; offshore drilling ban lifted.

The House passed a $630 billion-plus spending bill Wednesday that wraps together a record Pentagon budget with aid for automakers and natural disaster victims, and increased health care for veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.
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Video: Money Masters Producer on Economic Meltdown

Patrick Carmack, the producer of the acclaimed documentary “The Money Masters” detailing how private international bankers gained control of the American economy, shares his view on the current meltdown in the global financial services sector.

Bill Heard Enterprises Folding Dealerships Nationwide

One of the nation’s largest car dealerships has closed sales operations, possibly forever.

Bill Heard Enterprises Inc., which operates the Bill Heard Chevrolet dealership in Plant City, closed its sales operation there this week, said Paul Baker, executive manager of the dealership. Continue reading

Eugenics… but in the Name of What?

Worried that welfare costs are rising as the number of taxpayers declines, state Rep. John LaBruzzo, R-Metairie, said Tuesday he is studying a plan to pay poor women $1,000 to have their Fallopian tubes tied.

“We’re on a train headed to the future and there’s a bridge out,” LaBruzzo said of what he suspects are dangerous demographic trends. “And nobody wants to talk about it.”

LaBruzzo said he worries that people receiving government aid such as food stamps and publicly subsidized housing are reproducing at a faster rate than more affluent, better-educated people who presumably pay more tax revenue to the government. He said he is gathering statistics now. Continue reading

Video: MSM – Congressman Ron Paul Schools Bernanke on the Bailout Plan

Congressman Ron Paul lectures Bernanke on the flaws of the bailout plan and the hazard of the attempt to fix prices versus letting them correct naturally in the free market at the Congressional Hearing today (9/24/08). Ron also questions Bernanke’s authority and constitutionality of using the printing press to generate all this extra money needed for the bailout. Continue reading