Anti-NWO: Thousands march in Sweden against globalisation

More than 10,000 marched in the Swedish city of Malmoe on Saturday in a demonstration against the excesses of globalisation, organised as part of the European Social Forum being held there.The marchers, many carrying banners, set off from the suburb of Rosengaard at 2:00 pm (1300 GMT) accompanied by several marching bands, in what was one of the biggest organised in Sweden. Continue reading

‘Perhaps 60% of today’s oil price is pure speculation’

MSM: Obama, McCain Agree On Recession

(CBS) Both presidential candidates agree the nation is in a recession. Democratic Sen. Barack Obama and Republican Sen. John McCain, appearing in separate interviews for a special 40th anniversary edition of 60 Minutes, say the economic term applies to the current troubles and lay out their plans to solve the situation if they are elected.
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Video: Alex Jones talks with Steve Shank from

The only sure thing about the future is that there is no sure thing. Storing food for your family is one of the most prudent actions you can take. No one knows what can or will affect the functioning of society or food distribution. With stored food, you eliminate the worry.

The attention of the nation is focusing more intensely, each week, on families storing quantities of emergency food and water in their homes. Why?
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US dollar “backed by bananas”

Press TV interviewed Paris-based financial analyst Max Keiser on the US financial meltdown on September 20. What follows are his free-wheeling comments on the US government bailout of Wall Street and the potential consequences for America. Continue reading

Full-Spectrum Breakdown

On Friday morning, Senator Christopher Dodd, the head of the Senate Banking Committee, was interviewed on ABC’s “Good Morning America.” Dodd revealed that just hours earlier at an emergency meeting convened by Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke, lawmakers were told that “We’re literally maybe days away from a complete meltdown of our financial system.” Dodd added somberly, that in his three decades of serving in public office, he had “never heard language like this.” Continue reading

Video: MSM – Black Monday Could Have Been “Financial Terrorism”

CNBC host Jim Cramer says that financial terrorism could have been behind Monday’s stock market crash as part of a conspiracy to “bring down capitalism,” as the SEC this morning announced a ban on short-selling in an effort to fight market manipulation.

“Traditional people who are allegedly shorting are not….it could be financial terrorism, what a great way to take down America….maybe they want to find out who is doing this shorting like in 9/11, remember the airlines went down first and people thought it was Bin Laden,” said Cramer. Continue reading

Does the Economic Meltdown need a New War?

Historically, the US has gone to war every time the value of the greenbacks plummeted or the economy drastically slumped. Is today’s economic disaster and weakened dollar a symptom for a new war? Continue reading

Financial Bailout: America’s Own Kleptocracy

The largest transformation of America’s Financial System since the Great Depression

Nobody expected industrial capitalism to end up like this. Nobody even saw it evolving in this direction. I’m afraid this failing is not unusual among futurists: The natural tendency is to think about how economies can best grow and evolve, not how it can be untracked. But an unforeseen road always seems to appear, and there goes society off on a tangent.

What a two weeks! Continue reading

Satellite Photos Show Sectarian Cleansing, Not Surge, Led to Drop in Iraq Violence

While the fighting in Iraq continues to kill scores of civilians every week, the relative decline in violence over last year’s levels has been the cause of much optimism among war weary Americans and touted by President Bush as a vindication of his “surge” strategy.

But though both major Presidential candidates having declared the surge a great success and polls show an ever increasing number of Americans believing the same, many have continued to insist that the surge has little if anything to do with the decline in violence. A new report released today has strengthened that position. Continue reading

Predictive Programming In Films – Things to Come (1936)

The movie predicts a war involving Everytown (which is a peculiar way of stating that the war is also a global war) by Christmas 1940, while the actual World War broke out in September 1939 when the Nazis invaded Poland. So Wells was only off for about a sloppy one year. It goes to show that Wells was definitely ‘in the know’, as Alan Watt calls it, as to what the agenda entailed. Continue reading

China Blames Wall Street Meltdown On Fed Overissuance Of Currency

Saving financial institutions at cost of taxpayer part of wider agenda to increase control over global economy, says Communist state media

China’s state media today reports on the real reason behind the Wall Street meltdown and a subject that the mainstream US media dare not mention – the Federal Reserve’s overissuance of currency – which the Chinese say is part of a wider agenda to justify increased control over the global economy. Continue reading

The Global Financial Meltdown

Bloody Monday September 15, 2008

Bloody Monday, September 15, 2008.  The Dow Jones industrial average (DJIA) declined by 504 points  (4.4%), its largest drop since Sept. 17, 2001, when trading resumed after the 9/11 attacks.

The financial slide proceeded unabated, leading to an 800 point decline of the Dow Jones in less than a week. The World’s stock markets are interconnected “around the clock” through instant computer link-up. Volatile trading on Wall Street immediately “spills over” into the European and Asian stock markets thereby rapidly permeating the entire financial system. Continue reading