Video: Gingrich Says Israel Should Set A Deadline For Attack On Iran

Last night on Fox News, co-host Alan Colmes asked former House Speaker Newt Gingrich about a Jerusalem Post article yesterday reporting that Israel is preparing options to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities. At first Gingrich gave a measured response, saying “I don’t think we’re prepared to sanction an attack on Iran.” Yet just moments later, Gingrich said the Israelis should set a deadline for an attack on Iran: Continue reading

Israel ‘prepared to attack’ Iran nuclear plants

Israel is drawing up plans to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities and is prepared to launch a strike without backing from the US, it has been reported.

Officials in the Israeli Defence Ministry told the Jerusalem Post that while they prefer to act in consultation with the US, they were preparing plans that would allow them to act in isolation.

“It is always better to coordinate,” a senior Defence Ministry official told the newspaper. “But we are also preparing options that do not include coordination.” Continue reading

Video: A Military Strike on Iran’s Nuclear Facilities Is Only A Tick Away – MSM

Economic sanctions imposed on Iran has failed to halt its attempt to attain nuclear power. The time for a military strike on the Iranian republic is fast approaching, and is only a tick away. – 11/15/07

Experts: Israel lacks capability to hit Iran’s nuke facilities

US weekly Newsweek quotes Western intelligence officials as saying Jewish state unable to destroy Tehran’s nuclear facilities using just conventional weapons

WASHINGTON – Western intelligence experts believe that Iran’s nuclear facilities are so deep underground that it would be difficult for Israel to wipe them out, or even significantly damage them with an air strike, according to an article which will be published by American weekly Newsweek next Monday. Continue reading

Does the Economic Meltdown need a New War?

Historically, the US has gone to war every time the value of the greenbacks plummeted or the economy drastically slumped. Is today’s economic disaster and weakened dollar a symptom for a new war? Continue reading

Ads pushing Iran strike show Denver under missile attack from Boulder

A nonprofit lobbying organization aimed at strengthening Israel’s image in the media quietly ran ads during the Democratic National Convention in which Boulder, Colorado launches missile attacks on Denver, in an attempt to bolster support for Israeli action against Iran. Continue reading