Video: Gingrich Says Israel Should Set A Deadline For Attack On Iran

Last night on Fox News, co-host Alan Colmes asked former House Speaker Newt Gingrich about a Jerusalem Post article yesterday reporting that Israel is preparing options to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities. At first Gingrich gave a measured response, saying “I don’t think we’re prepared to sanction an attack on Iran.” Yet just moments later, Gingrich said the Israelis should set a deadline for an attack on Iran: Continue reading

Youtube: Hannity Has A Bullyboy Meltdown Arguing Economy Is Great

Yesterday on Fox News, Sean Hannity and The American Prospect’s Robert Kuttner had a tense exchange about the election. As Kuttner offered advice for Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL), Hannity interrupted, saying Obama is “hiding” his associations with Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright. “Stop it. Stop it. This is — this is garbage you’re spewing,” Hannity said. Kuttner shot back, accusing Hannity of “doing RNC talking points” Continue reading