Christian Fundamentalism Permeats the Republican Party: Sarah Palin’s links to the Christian Right

Global Research, September 13, 2008

Some days ago, most Americans had never heard of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. Now, following her Vice Presidential acceptance speech, viewed live by more than 40 million people, Palin is viewed favorably by 58% of American voters according to the latest Rasmussen Reports survey. The self-described ‘hockey mom’’s poll ratings, if they are to be believed, are that of a rock superstar who is rated now higher than either McCain or Democrat Obama. The same Bush-Cheney propaganda apparatus that made the nation believe that Saddam Hussein was the new Hitler and that Georgia was a helpless victim of ruthless Russian aggression after 8.8.08 in Georgia is clearly behind one of the most impressive media propaganda efforts in recent history—the effort to package Republican Vice Presidential candidate, Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska for less than 19 months, to be the American dream candidate. Her religious roots are something she has been deliberately vague about. It’s worth a closer look. Continue reading

Chemtrails Mega-Post

What do chemtrails, water pollution, and toothpaste all have in common. You guessed it. In fact, the exposure to the metal is reaching epidemic proportions. So what’s the big deal you might ask. Well, new studies have suggested that aluminum may be the most toxic substance known to man, even more deadly than mercury or plutonium. Continue reading

Pakistan army ordered to hit back U.S. forces

Fri, 12 Sep 2008
The Pakistani Army has been given orders to retaliate against any unilateral strike by the Afghanistan-based US troops inside the country. Continue reading

Video: Hugo Chavez Buys Billions in Russian & Chinese Weapons With U.S. Oil Profits

Invites Russians to Build Military Bases in Venezuela Continue reading

McBama’s “National Service” is National Slavery

Yesterday, at ground zero, John McCain and Barack Obama announced their cooperation and favorability for so-called “National Service” legislation. Continue reading

FDA Opens “Pandora’s Box” by Approving Food from Clones for Sale

(January 15, 2008) Washington, DC – Today, the Center for Food Safety (CFS) condemned the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) irresponsible determination that milk and meat from cloned animals are safe for sale to the public.  In addition, the FDA is requiring no tracking system for clones or labeling of products produced from clones or their offspring.  This action comes at a time when the U.S. Senate has voted twice to delay FDA’s decision on cloned animals until additional safety and economic studies can be completed by the National Academy of Sciences and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Continue reading

Genetically Modified (GM) Crops Increase Pesticide Use and Fail to Alleviate Poverty, Reveals New Report

GM Crops Have Not Reduced World Hunger, Study Concludes

Washington D.C., February 13, 2008 – Genetically modified (GM) crops have led to a large increase in pesticide use and have failed to increase yield or tackle world hunger and poverty, a new report by Friends of the Earth and Center for Food Safety reveals today.  The report coincides with the annual release of biotech industry figures on GM crop cultivation around the world. Continue reading

What Really Happened On 9-11?

The events of 9-11 are seared into the collective psyche of this generation.. We have all been affected by the catastrophes of that fateful day, but what really happened on 9-11? Continue reading

Thirty-five Years Ago, Latin America Experienced Its Own September 11

Latin America, which experienced its own September 11 thirty-five years ago, is no longer under Washington’s thumb.

On Sept. 11, 1973, the Chilean military, supported by Washington, overthrew the democratically elected president of Chile, Salvador Allende. It was a day that was burned in the memories of millions of people across the continent. Continue reading

Video: MSM – Condi Rice: Russia Can’t Overthrow A Gov’t And Get Away With It

hypocrisy:(or the state of being a hypocrite) is the act of preaching a certain belief or way of life, but not, in fact, holding these same virtues oneself. Continue reading