DEVELOPING: Detainee alleges torture in Ramsey County jail

“Elliot Hughes recounts allegations of torture while being detained in Ramsey County Jail. Hughes was detained during an RNC08 protest after reportedly colliding with a police bicycle on accident. He was sent to Regions Hospital for treatment and later released without charges. We are actively investigating these claims. Stay tuned for more.”

3 thoughts on “DEVELOPING: Detainee alleges torture in Ramsey County jail

  1. What on earth has happened to this country of ours? My goodness,this man is still a child. And his crime? What did he do to deserve this kind of treatment? All officers involved ought to be fired and the jail fined for allowing such violent behavior of their officers. The policy must change.

    I hope this young man sues the city.

    Shame on you that are all involved in the brutal treatment of this young man.

  2. We have to do something about this! What is being done! Why is this not being more prominently shown in the media! This is disgusting- I am outraged. We clearly are at the end of days- facism isn’t pending for this country. It’s already here.

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