One thought on “Video: IVAW Winter Soldier ‘Racism Dehumanization’ Andrew Duffy

  1. My first question is: WTF is a SEVENTEEN-YEAR-OLD YOUTH being exposed to all of this in the first place?

    The NWO wants to dehumanize our young people, instill in them distinctly unhuman and unAmerican character traits! They want an army of “Manchurian candidtates”!

    Remember what Desmond Tutu said?–“When you dehumanize others, you dehumanize yourself,” and it is so true.

    Apparently, Andrew here has some substance to his character, so he was able to come out still human. But what about all the others, young men with weaker character? What is being instilled in them by our military?

    Parents, do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to keep your sons and daughters away from these monsters–even in you have to keep financially supporting them for life in our imploded economy: the statistics show that more soldiers have committed suicide than have been killed in the line of active duty in these illegal occupations. Were they so dehumanized that they could no longer live with themselves?
    Keep your children AWAY from these monsters, from their schools, their video games, their music, their television, their movies, and their “jobs.”
    Teach them to garden, to raise animals, to
    build houses, to dig wells, to heal wounds; teach them how to survive when you’re no longer around. And if YOU don’t know these things yourself, then learn them alongside your children. If nothing else, do NOT let them go into the sadistic military for these unjust wars of occupation.

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