24 multinationals move HQ to Shanghai

(CNTN) – 24 multinational companies, have decided to move their regional headquarters to Shanghai, including 6 Fortune 500 companies such as Vale, Walt Disney and Kraft Foods.

This will push the total number of companies with regional headquarters in Shanghai to nearly 300. Nearly 500 have regional research and development centers there. Read entire article

Russia ready to abandon dollar in oil, gas trade with China

(RIANovosti) – Russia is ready to consider using the Russian and Chinese national currencies instead of the dollar in bilateral oil and gas dealings, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday. Continue reading

Have Physicists Cracked the Stock Market?

(WashingtonsBlog) – New Scientist is reporting that physicists have largely figured out how to predict the end of bull markets: Continue reading

A new world is being born, one without the US dollar greasing the wheels of commerce

Yekaterinburg, famous tragically as the spot Lenin chose to have the Tsar and his family executed in 1918, and ironically as the fiefdom of Boris Yeltsin, who finished off the Russian revolution itself in 1991, witnessed something no less remarkable last week when leaders of the so-called BRIC nations (Brazil, Russia, India and China) held their first summit, following the yearly meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO). Continue reading

De-Dollarization: Dismantling America’s Financial-Military Empire

The city of Yakaterinburg, Russia’s largest east of the Urals, may become known not only as the death place of the tsars but of American hegemony too – and not only where US U-2 pilot Gary Powers was shot down in 1960, but where the US-centered international financial order was brought to ground. Continue reading

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization: Prospects For A Multipolar World

On June 15th and 16th the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) will hold its ninth annual heads of state summit in the Russian city of Yekaterinburg. Continue reading

MSM: China fears bond crisis as it slams quantitative easing

China has given its clearest warning to date that emergency monetary stimulus by Western governments risks setting off worldwide inflation and undermining global bond markets. Continue reading