Andrew Wakefield, Scientific Censorship, and Fourteen Monkeys; A statement by Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey

(NaturalNews) – When it comes to vaccines, Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey get it. They see how the pharma industry is engineering a campaign to silence Dr. Andrew Wakefield in order to suppress the publication of startling new evidence linking vaccines to severe neurological damage. Continue reading

Doctors Confirm Flu Shot Disabled Woman As Carrey & McCarthy Lend Support

Doctors have confirmed that a seasonal flu vaccine led to a Virginia woman becoming severely disabled as actors Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy offered their support through their Generation Rescue charity, an organization attempting to raise awareness about the link between vaccines and autism. Continue reading

Actor Jim Carrey: The Judgment on Vaccines Is In?

Recently, I was amazed to hear a commentary by CNN’s Campbell Brown on the controversial vaccine issue. Continue reading