Video: Bilderberger Praises Medicare Rationing Advocate

(KurtNimmo) – Remember death panels? They’re baaaaack now that Obamacare is law of the land.

Before Obamacare became the law of the land, liberals and “progressives” went ballistic over Sarah Palin’s Facebook entry stating an obvious fact — Obamacare will realize its savings on relegating seniors to sub-standard health care via rationing. Libs were outraged and said there was no evidence the government plans to implement “death panels.” Palin’s assertion was subsequently deemed “lie of the year.”Video and Article Link Here

Kerry-(Graham)-Lieberman: a monstrous collection of payoffs to big business

( – The chance that the Senate will pass a comprehensive energy-rationing (a k a climate) bill this year remains close to zero.  BP’s big oil spill in the Gulf changes very little.

The global warming movement peaked last June 26 when the House passed the Waxman-Markey bill.  When members went home for the Fourth of July, many who voted for it discovered that their constituents were angry and mobilized. Continue reading

Video: Under ObamaCare, Prepare To Wait 18 Months To See A Doctor

(PaulWatson) – Eye surgeon and senatorial candidate Rand Paul warns that under ObamaCare, Americans could be forced to wait a year and a half merely to see a doctor due to Canadian-style rationing of health care being imposed. Continue reading

Say No to the Individual Health Insurance Mandate!

(C4L) – Americans are being misled by President Obama and the Republican Party in the health care debate. That is right, the Republican Party. Both are ready to foist a huge joke on the Democratic party, truly left-wing Obama Supporters and the American people. They plan to walk arm and arm together to a signing ceremony this year to finally turnover all health care financing to large insurance companies. Continue reading

Potential Food Shortages… in America?

Holly Note: In recent days, numerous stories detail crop and livestock damage. Drought, floods, hail and freezes have bitten our foods, but whatever the cause, the result is the same — destroyed or damaged food supplies. These ultimately lead to higher store prices, shortages and in more extreme circumstances, rationing. Continue reading

The “death panels” are already here

Sorry, Sarah Palin — rationing of care? Private companies are already doing it, with sometimes fatal results Continue reading

Do you deserve to die?

Scenario 1: You’ve just been diagnosed with a cancer of the lymphatic system. You’re told that it requires a procedure within the next two weeks. Unfortunately, you were laid off from your corporate job 11 months, 30 days ago. You are on your last day of COBRA. Your company retirement and savings are all gone. You can’t afford the $1,200 a month premium needed to continue your coverage. Without the operation, you will die. Do you deserve to die? Continue reading

Video: Ron Paul – Reckless Spending And Taxation Prolonged Great Depression

Ron Paul has slammed Barack Obama’s claim that reckless government spending and taxation is the only way to alleviate the economic crisis by pointing out that the end of the great depression only came after taxes and spending were drastically cut.

Continue reading

Food Riots Have Already Begun as Global Grain Prices Skyrocket, Supplies Dwindle

Riots and other forms of civil unrest have already broken out around the world in response to a global grain shortage and surging food prices.

According to data from the World Food Program and the early warning and global information system of the Food and Agricultural Organization, street protests and rioting over high food prices have broken out in Guinea, Indonesia, Mauritania, Mexico, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Yemen and West Africa in the past several months. Continue reading