MSM: Internet access is ‘a fundamental right’

(BBC) – Almost four in five people around the world believe that access to the internet is a fundamental right, a poll for the BBC World Service suggests. Continue reading

Loose Cannon And Nuclear Submarines: West Prepares For Arctic Warfare

(GlobalResearch) – The Arctic Ocean, in particular that part of it under the ice cap, is Russia’s last retaliatory refuge, that spot on the earth where any element of its strategic forces is comparatively safe from a Western first strike and least targetable by interceptor missiles after such an attack. Continue reading

Ukrainian Follies: Creating More Needless Defense Dependents

(C4L) – President Barack Obama promised “change,” but his foreign policy looks a lot like that of his predecessors. Vice President Joseph Biden recently traveled to Georgia and Ukraine to reiterate the Obama administration’s support for expanding NATO along Russia’s border. The Obama administration apparently views security commitments as the international equivalent of party favors, to be distributed to anyone who shows up. Continue reading

Cyberwarfare Begins in Iran

An apparently ad-hoc cyber protest against the results of recent Iranian elections has knocked key websites off-line. Continue reading

Pentagon Preparing For War With The Enemy: Russia

“The new President of the United States did not bring about any crucial changes in relation to Georgia, but having a dominant role in NATO he still insists on Georgia’s soonest joining of
the Alliance. If it happens, the world would face a more serious threat than the crises of the Cold War. Continue reading