Former Senator Ted Stevens Reported in Plane Crash

(KurtNimmo) – It is being reported today that former Republican senator Ted Stevens and the former head of NASA Sean O’Keefe were aboard a plane that crashed in Alaska.

O’Keefe is the head of the plane manufacturer EADS.

The downed plane, a DeHavilland DHC-3T, crashed about 10 miles northwest of Aleknagik, Alaska, according to Reuters.

The media is reporting that more than half of people aboard the plane were killed in the crash but there was no confirmation if Stevens or O’Keefe are among the dead. Continue reading

Watchdog groups warn: ‘Corporate globalization’ of US elections is upon us

(RawStory) – The Supreme Court may have ruled in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission days ago, but the decision’s shockwaves are still rippling across American democracy. Continue reading

Our Supreme Court Has Lost Its Mind

In a leap that Justice John Paul Stevens called “profoundly misguided” the US Supreme Court has written a decision that may well be the final undoing of American democracy. To see that, it is necessary to take on board the main trend in the distribution of wealth and power in this country. Today the spread between rich and poor is as broad as it has ever been. As of 2000, one percent of the people owned 40% of the nation’s wealth. That gap has been creeping up; probably as of 2010 one percent of the people now own more than half of the wealth. In addition to that, a goodly chunk is owned by foreigners. Thus the democratic base, meaning that 99% of the people may be net owners of little more than a third of our country’s wealth. Continue reading

Video: Gun-grabber Rep. Carolyn McCarthy Introduces “No Fly, No Buy Act”

In 2007, then Democrat member of the United States House of Representatives, Rahm Emanuel, told the gathered at the annual Stand Up For a Safe America event sponsored by the Brady Center that if your name is on the terrorist no fly list you will not be allowed to own a gun. Continue reading