Fox News Reports On Alleged Threatening Comment Posted on “Radical”

(Infowars) – Fox News is reporting this afternoon that the husband of a military servicewoman living on a Tennessee Naval base is under investigation for posting threatening comments on, described by Fox News as a “radical right-wing Web site.” Continue reading

Video: David Manning – Frustration Revolution

Hon. James David Manning, PhD says Joseph Andrew Stack started the Frustration Revolution because of the economy. For more information go to and Distributed by Tubemogul. Continue reading

Video: Reality Report #33 – Banister on Stack, Medina Offs Beck, Ron Paul Wins, Citi Withdraws

In this edition of the Reality Report former IRS Special Agent Joseph Banister joins Gary to weigh in on Joseph Stack’s attack on the IRS building in Austin. Franchi also presents stories on Citigroup’s recent bank run prevention plan and Ron Paul’s recent straw poll victory at CPAC. We also unspin ABC’s attempts at demonizing patriots, expose CNN’s simulation, present Utah’s recent legislative action against the Federal Government and spot light on Glenn Beck’s ratings drop. Gary brands a new “Enemy of the State” and reads from the mailbag. Continue reading

The Cartel’s Collection Agency Is Better Known As The IRS

(Rense) – With the foul mixture of adjustable rate mortgages, low down payments, unqualified loans, and liar loans, where potential homebuyers could not even verify that they had jobs or adequate funds to buy a house, the private International Banking Cartel inflated their US housing bubble. Then, the Cartel violently burst their bloated, thin-walled, and ephemeral bladder of toxins, they had so carefully pumped with hype, lies, and wicked intentions. Now, the Cartel is delivering their coupe de grace on some defaulting home buyers; they are siccing their private collection agency, the IRS on many of the homeless and jobless of America. Continue reading

Terrorism: The Most Meaningless and Manipulated Word – Glenn Greenwald

(Salon) – Yesterday, Joseph Stack deliberately flew an airplane into a building housing IRS offices in Austin, Texas, in order to advance the political grievances he outlined in a perfectly cogent suicide-manifesto.  Stack’s worldview contained elements of the tea party’s anti-government anger along with substantial populist complaints generally associated with “the Left” (rage over bailouts, the suffering of America’s poor, and the pilfering of the middle class by a corrupt economic elite and their government-servants).  All of that was accompanied by an argument as to why violence was justified (indeed necessary) to protest those injustices: Read More Here