Video: Dr. Stan Monteith on Alex Jones TV – Don’t Take The Vaccine Shot

Alex also discusses the deployment of troops in America, the latest on the flu pandemic and mandatory vaccinations with Dr. Stan Monteith. Continue reading

Film: The Brotherhood of Darkness – Dr. Stanley Monteith

It is impossible to understand the unfolding of world events without the information contained in this video. What was the origin of the Council on Foreign Relations, and what is its relationship to Freemasonry, Theosophy, Socialism and Communism? This video is felt by many researchers to be the best single source of information on the movements working to create a New World Order. No researcher, or seeker for the truth should be without a copy of this highly acclaimed presentation. Continue reading

Scared to CodeX Death – Robert Singer

Codex Alimentarius may present the greatest disaster for our food supply-and thus for our health-this country has ever seen, and if not stopped is likely to be implemented starting in 2011. Continue reading

Film: Hidden Agenda – The Fluoride Deceptio

DR. Monteith goes over the history of fluoride, its use, its dangers and its promotion over time. Why something that is rejected by so many nations is promoted here in the USA. Learn about the Hidden Agenda behind the use of Fluoride, who’s behind it and the real purpose behind its use. Continue reading