U.S. Marshals Service Storing Naked Body Scanner Images

(KurtNimmo) – Remember last summer when the Transportation Security Administration claimed that images from naked body scanners cannot be saved or stored?

Earlier this year, Infowars.com reported on a letter dated February 24, 2010 and signed by Gale D. Rossides, Acting Administrator of the TSA, that admits the machines routinely save and store images. “TSA requires AIT machines to have the capability to retain and export imagines (sic) only for testing, training, and evaluation purposes,” Rossides wrote to Rep. Bennie G. Thompson, Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security. Continue reading

Ex-Clinton aides advising Honduran coup regime

Ever since the military abducted President Manuel Zelaya at gunpoint on June 28 and expelled him from the country, the Obama administration has cast itself as a steadfast defender of “democracy” in Honduras. Continue reading

Almost Half of Americans Take At Least One Prescription Drug

Is America the most medicated nation on Earth? Could be, according data just released by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) showing that at least half of all Americans takes at least one prescription drug, with one in six taking three or more medications. Continue reading

Edible Vaccines and Flying Syringes

When genetically modified foods were first introduced, the biotech industry hailed tomatoes that were frost resistant and round-up ready crops. Now, there is a further development in biotech that has received little attention in the mainstream media. Serious environmental and health concerns still surround GM food safety, but new technologies are being developed to turn foods into vaccine delivery systems. Continue reading

Democratic Representative Kills Texas Sovereignty Resolution

State Rep. Senfronia Thompson (D-Houston) used a procedural motion to block HCR 50, the state sovereignty reaffirmation resolution, Tuesday evening. The move blocks a bipartisan effort to protect state and individual rights from federal government usurpation. Continue reading

MSM: Illinois Income Tax May Jump 50 Percent

Gov. Pat Quinn Says Tax Hike Is Needed To Fight Deficit

Gov. Pat Quinn confirmed Friday that he plans to raise taxes on some Illinois residents to combat deficits in a difficult state budget, and called for broader tax reform. Continue reading