MSM: E-Mail Surveillance Renews Concerns in Congress

(NYTimes) – The National Security Agency is facing renewed scrutiny over the extent of its domestic surveillance program, with critics in Congress saying its recent intercepts of the private telephone calls and e-mail messages of Americans are broader than previously acknowledged, current and former officials said. Continue reading

NSA monitors millions of American e-mails

Several current and former agents within the National Security Agency (NSA), speaking on condition of anonymity, have told the New York Times that the spy agency likely monitors millions of e-mail communications and telephone calls made by Americans. The new revelations follow the disclosure in April that the NSA’s monitoring of domestic e-mail traffic broke the law in 2008 and 2009. Continue reading

MSM: America accused of spying on millions of emails

(Guardian) – American intelligence agencies have been accused of spying on the emails of millions of Americans, including those of former president Bill Clinton. Continue reading