A New Method of Poisoning Us With Radiation: ‘High Efficiency’ Light Bulbs

(HealthWyze) – I have long been known by certain friends and my entire family as that “crazy” guy.  The term was usually meant to describe me as being odd and unusual, rather than insane.  Although, a few of those people may have suspected the latter from time to time.  I’m okay with that, for being ‘normal’ is greatly overrated.  I am considerably smarter than most people, so I have often taken refuge in the fact there there has always been a fine line between genius and insanity.  Crazy like a fox, or crazy like a nut?  I guess it’s entirely a matter of perspective. Continue reading

IBM wants traffic lights to stop your car

(PhysOrg) – The system would be able to receive position information from vehicles waiting at red lights to determine a queue of participating vehicles stopped at the signal. It would then determine the time still to elapse before the lights turn green, and if this time is over a set threshold (such as two minutes) the traffic light would then send signals to the vehicle engines to stop them.

When the lights turn green, a “start-engine notification” would be sent to the front vehicle to start its engine first, and a signal would be sent to the second vehicle in the queue an “optimal time” later, and so on.

The IBM patent says the system could be applied to traffic signals at intersections, railway crossings, or other transportation signals for “indicating correct moments to stop and to proceed.” Its stated aims are to reduce wastage of fuel and optimize the movement of vehicles through the intersection or crossing. Read entire article


(RBC) – Canadians’ expectations for overall economic performance drop

According to the March RBC Canadian Consumer Outlook Index, most Canadians (65 per cent) are losing sleep over their finances. Read More Here

(WichitaEagle) – Report: More seniors to be homeless by 2020

A report released Monday by the National Alliance to End Homelessness projects a 33 percent increase over the next decade in elderly people who are homeless. Read More Here

(MarketSkeptics) – 2010 Food Crisis Taking Shape – Read More Here

(AP) – Verizon to take $970M charge from health care bill

The corporate tax impact of the recent health care overhaul grew Thursday as Verizon Communications Inc. announced it will record a related $970 million non-cash charge in the first quarter. Read More Here

(WakeUpAmericans) – More On Obama’s Offshore Drilling ‘Show’

Institure for Energy Research (IER) sticks to the facts of what Barack Obama’s actual proposals about off shore drilling really does: Read More Here

(SafeHaven) – You Still Believe The Fed Can Stop Deflation?

Think back to the fall of 2007. The deflationary “liquidity crunch” that over the next year-and-a-half cuts the DJIA in half, decimates commodities, real estate and world markets is only starting. Almost no one believes that the crash is coming — to a large degree, because everyone is convinced that the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank, with Ben Bernanke at the helm, will never allow deflation to happen: It can just print money! Read More Here

(SilverBearCafe) – Gold and Silver Equal Future Purchasing Power

Today it is as difficult for a person to fathom gold at $5,000 per ounce as it was for a person to fathom $1,000 per ounce back in 2002. After all, hold a Krugerrand, in your hand and try to imagine it being worth the purchasing power of $5,000 – enough to buy a good running, nice looking used car. Read More Here

(Blog) – 6 Cities That Were Caught Shortening Yellow Light Times For Profit

Short yellow light times at intersections have been shown to increase the number of traffic violations and accidents. Conversely, increasing the yellow light duration can dramatically reduce red-light violations at an intersection. Read More Here

(SmirkingChimp) – BE CAREFUL:Cops giving out more speeding tickets due to recession. – Read More Here

(AP) – Ohioans say they’re pursued for paid-off fines

Some motorists are complaining that old traffic fines they already paid to one Ohio county are coming back to haunt them. About 1,000 people have contacted officials in southeast Ohio’s Hocking County this week to say they’ve heard from a collection agency about tickets already resolved, in some cases as far back as 20 years ago. Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – Financial Fraud and the Economic Crisis – A Cavalcade of U.S. Corruption Is Finally Being Scrutinized – Read More Here

(HuffingtonPost) – It’s A Ponzi Scheme the Gold Market

We’ve had a string of amazing revelations recently regarding the world’s precious metals market. This is important stuff for anyone (like me) who holds gold as a means to avoid currency turmoil and counterparty risk. Read More Here

(ZMagazine) – Big Government, Budget Deficits, Entitlements and the “Centrist” Ploy – Read More Here

MSM: Carbon Tax Forces Businesses To Turn Lights Off

(Yahoo) – A new Government scheme to get businesses to cut their emissions could spell the end of the all-night bright lights of the local high street, the Environment Agency (EA) has predicted. Continue reading

Ray McGovern: NYC 9/11 Trial Will Shine the Lights on the Roots of Terrorism

(AlterNet) – As Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the other alleged 9/11 conspirators go to trial, the corporate media’s embargo on the truth about the Bush years will be under great strain. Continue reading

Bill would give president emergency control of Internet

(CNET) – Internet companies and civil liberties groups were alarmed this spring when a U.S. Senate bill proposed handing the White House the power to disconnect private-sector computers from the Internet. Continue reading

Government Permission Will Be Required To Travel

Starting this year, Americans will have to get government approval to travel by air. As Privacy Journal revealed last fall, henceforth “Permission Now Needed to Travel Within U.S.” Getting a reservation and checking-in for air travel will soon require Transportation Security Administration authorization. Continue reading

High-Tech Brigade Heads to Afghanistan, Loaded With Gadgets

The soldiers of the 5th Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division are shipping out to Afghanistan this month — equipped with a controversial array of infantryman gadgets: electronic maps, GPS beacons, wearable computers, and digital radios. The troops are wondering just how useful the eight-pound, $48,000-per-soldier “Land Warrior” gizmo collection will really be, and whether the benefit will really be worth the extra weight. Continue reading

MSM: Feds raid S.F. medical marijuana dispensary

A medical marijuana dispensary in San Francisco that gave out free marijuana to poor people is mostly empty after a raid by federal agents.U.S Drug Enforcement Administration agents descended on Emmalyn’s California Cannabis Clinic Wednesday afternoon. Continue reading