MSM: Google and Verizon DID do a deal for new internet ‘first class’ superhighway

(UKDailyMail) – Technology giants Google and Verizon have today paved the way for a future ‘two-tier’ internet in which companies can pay extra to make sure their services get through.

In a joint statement the two firms called for a new, premium connection which would let internet service providers, such as Virgin, charge more for certain services over faster, higher-quality lines.

But critics have accused Google and Verizon of plotting to carve up the internet to suit big, established firms like themselves. Continue reading

BP Oil Gusher

(TheIntelHub) – California Notified Of Gulf Evacuation Plans

A well-placed source in California told WMR that the California Emergency Management Agency (CEMA) has been briefed by its counterpart agencies in the Gulf coast states that there are plans to conduct a mass evacuation of millions of Gulf coast residents due to the catastrophic environmental and public health effects of the BP oil disaster.

CEMA officials have been briefed on the planned evacuations by counterparts in the Louisiana Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness, the Alabama Emergency Management Agency, the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency, and the Florida Division of Emergency Management. Read More Here

(Examiner) – Investigation reveals possible criminal activity connecting Obama to BP oil spill

The new line of defense employed by the Obama Administration to deflect criticism of its lackadaisical handling of the BP oil spill is to launch a criminal investigation of the company.

Perhaps this is the best thing that could happen. Such an investigation would, of course, uncover all of BP’s connections to the Democratic Party and Barack Obama, who were the single largest beneficiaries of BP campaign contributions over the last 10 years. Read More Here

(NaturalNews) – Gulf of Mexico Presents Unprecedented Toxicity Problems – Read More Here

Video: BP’s Well From Hell – Adrian Salbuchi – Video Link Here

(KurtNimmo) – Poll: BP Oil Gusher Evacuation? – Poll Here

Video: BP Turning Beaches Into Hazardous Dumps? – Video Link Here

(SalemNews) – FEMA Plans to Evacuate Tampa Bay Area In Place?

FEMA has plans to evacuate the Tampa Bay area in the event of a controlled burn of surface oil in the Gulf of Mexico, or if wind or other conditions are expected to take toxic fumes through Tampa Bay, according to a report by Maryann Tobin in the Hernando County Political Buzz Examiner. Tobin has been a freelance writer for more than twenty years, writing for local publications in New York and Florida. Read More Here

(CNN) – Video: Average Lifespan Of Clean up Crews Working Near Dispersants is 51 – Video Link Here

Video: ‘Gulf Oil Syndrome’ Sickening Workers – View Video Here

(Bloomberg) – Alex to Become Hurricane as Swells Reach Gulf Spill

Tropical Storm Alex, the first named system of the Atlantic hurricane season, strengthened today over open waters, forcing the evacuation of rigs in the Gulf of Mexico while pushing swells toward the worst U.S. oil spill. Read More Here

(KurtNimmo) – Video: Florida Governor Urges Vacationers To Swim In Toxic Sludge

Florida Governor Charlie Crist is apparently more worried about the state’s economy than the health of vacationers and residents.
Crist told CBS on Saturday the water is safe and people shouldn’t worry. “It is safe,” Crist declared, “there isn’t a toxic nature to it that is detrimental to anybody. It is much more of a nuisance than anything else at this point.” Video Link Here

(WashingtonsBlog) – CLEAR Water Tests Positive for Oil, Officials “Only Doing Visual Assessments”, “What You Can’t See May Be More Dangerous”

The Pensacola News Journal notes: Read More Here

(FemaleFaust) – Gulf Crisis: Bad to Worse

Sit down. Get ready. Your life has begun to change. It will never be the same again. This gulf disaster is changing everything. Read More Here

(FloridaOilSpillLaw) – G4: Corexit/oil eats through boat hulls, kidneys (PHOTOS/VIDEO) – Read More Here

(AP) – Florida Panhandle tourism tanks as more spilled oil hits beaches – Read More Here

(AP) – Hurricane watch for Mexico, US as Alex strengthens

Hurricane watches were in effect Monday for a stretch of Gulf coast in southern Texas and northern Mexico as Tropical Storm Alex gained strength and appeared on track to become a Category 3 hurricane before it makes landfall later this week. Read More Here

(FemaleFaust) – Pensacola Reopens Beaches Against Advice – Hundreds Sickened

Well, well. The surf boiling like acid — oil making a massive landfall — perhaps it isn’t safe to go in the water, you think? Read More Here

The Lying Game – John Pilger

In 2001, the Observer in London published a series of reports that claimed an “Iraqi connection” to al-Qaeda, even describing the base in Iraq where the training of terrorists took place and a facility where anthrax was being manufactured as a weapon of mass destruction. It was all false. Continue reading