Video: WeAreChangeLA talks to Vaccine victims before they get the shot

Mike Murphy interviews Vaccine victims as they stand in line to get the H1N1 flu shot. They have a variety of reasons why they are volunteering to receive a syringe containing chemicals that they have not researched beforehand.

3 thoughts on “Video: WeAreChangeLA talks to Vaccine victims before they get the shot

  1. These people! Bowing to authorities, even in spite of their own better judgement:
    doctors, employers, and of course, the “black” president. It is sickening.

    Did NO ONE leave the line?

  2. Dumbed down, fluoridated, mind-numbed sheep, marching blithely to slaughter…..

    TPTB are laughing their heads off at how easy we are.

  3. Ottawa councillor ask military to help with H1N1.

    An Ottawa city councillor wants to call in the Armed Forces to help conduct swine flu vaccinations.

    Councillor Bob Monette said Thursday; he has written to federal Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq asking if doctors, nurses and medics from the Canadian Forces could be deployed in cities across Canada to help with the H1N1 vaccinations.

    Monette said the idea came to him after speaking with a constituent who’s a member of the Forces.

    “Why not think of all the possibilities?” Monette said.

    “This was one more possibility that I found was worthwhile looking into, and let’s see if anything comes from it. If we can get one or two doctors, a nurse, to help out, then it’s worthwhile,” he said.

    By CBC News,, Updated: November 6, 2009 12:11 PM

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