Video: False Flag attack at Olympics or G20?

I was sworn not to say anything on the topic, but it has to be heard, no matter the consequence. I hope everyone understands.
Please take everything with a grain of salt. I am trying to divulge what I’ve been told and not trying to transpire conspiracies or become a prophet.

See Also:

Vancouver 2010: False Security, Real Terror

A preemptive strike on how a possible false flag terror event could happen at the Vancouver 2010 Olympics.

my article on social engineering:

Vancouver 2010: False Security, Real Terror will look into the explosives that were “missing” then “found” but now admitted by the RCMP are still missing. Different security firms and their ties to intelligence communities not to mention how these are familiar groups, These same people were behind the 9/11 false flag events and 7/7 bombings either directly or found to be helping cover up valuable information that would point out the real attackers. NORAD and NORTHCOM will also be included in the film, we will update as we make films with the news if the facts change we will keep the film as updated as possible before the release date of February 11th. Please contribute information and footage. Help us fight these globalists.

Look up how hercules powder turned into Dyno Nobel and how the founder’s son is a CIA Asset and how Kinder Morgan has ties to the Carlyle group, which stood to benefit from the 9/11 false flag attacks.

some other names coming up I’ve seen and looked at briefly are Verint. A Mossad front company that took part in 9/11 and 7/7. Peter Power Visor Consultants who ran drills simulating the same bombings on 7/7 will be at the Vancouver 2010 games as well.

Oh yeah and the small fact that Harper has suspended parliament which gives him dictatorial powers. No big deal.

2010 False Flag Event in Canada?

There are some strange things going on in Canada these days. Especially when out of the blue, the Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper suspends Parliament until March 3rd, and then a company called Kinder Morgan looses 2 Tons of Ammonium Nitrate in Vancouver where the 2010 Olympics are due to take place in February.

Both these events happened after the plutocracy lost their bid for a global consensus and binding agreement to control a new Carbon derivative market that would have affected every person on the planet through taxation.

It also comes as the US Government expands their aggressive wars into Pakistan, and Yemen, but also as the European Union becomes a reality, a new trading block has emerged, (B.R.I.C.) and the economic recession is deepening.

Will there be a false flag event in Canada? Is the North American Union about to be created? Lets discuss this in the comment section.

Vancouver Airport Authority Not Serious About Olympic Security

Canadian Senator, Colin Kenny
Chair of the Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence. (SCONSAD)

U.S. Notes Al Qaeda Olympic Threat

RCMP Explosives Probe – Missing, Found And Now Missing Again

3 thoughts on “Video: False Flag attack at Olympics or G20?

  1. It’s painfully obvious that the powers-that-be are toying with us.
    People are waking up to their shenanigans, and they are having fun
    with it.

    No doubt they are going to do something to put the fear of
    Lucifer in us, so that we will bow down to them hoping some of us
    will be allowed to live.

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