Video: Go Back To Sleep, There’s No New World Order

(PaulWatson) – A major Newsweek hit piece against the Tea Party movement and Alex Jones claims that the move towards a global government and the fact that governments commit acts of false flag terrorism is all an invention of “conspiracist kooks” who wear “tin foil hats”. Like we’ve never heard that one before.

Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Go Back To Sleep, Theres No New World Order 110210top2

Self-described “conservative” Jonathan Kay invokes Obama regulation czar Cass Sunstein in railing against ideas he describes as “dangerously detached from reality” by labeling vehemently proven facts as “conspiracy theories” and thereby exposing himself as the only person dangerously detached from reality in his article, Black Helicopters Over Nashville.

In the hit piece, Kay smears Alex Jones as a “modern day prophet” of the Tea Party movement that he goes on to relentlessly attack as progenitors of “toxic fantasies”.

Kay contacted Alex Jones’ office nearly a year ago seeking an interview about 9/11 truth. Of course, he spewed the usual baloney about “wanting to understand our perspective” while all along preparing to unleash a vitriolic hit piece without one iota of the “balance” establishment journalists always claim that they adhere to.

When we explained to him that in order to understand the 9/11 attacks in context, a brief exploration of the documented and manifestly provable examples in history where western governments have staged attacks in order to advance their agenda was necessary, Kay wasn’t interested.

We’re talking about events such as Operation Northwoods, a plan signed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon to to “kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war”.

We’re talking about Operation Ajax, where the CIA instituted a program of false flag terror to crush Iran’s first democratic government in the 1950’s, killing around 300 people. Far from being a “conspiracy theory,” the CIA admits to the program on their own website.

We’re talking about Operation Gladio, a “decades-long covert campaign of terrorism and deceit directed by the intelligence services of the West — against their own populations” run by NATO in collusion with the CIA, a campaign which included the 1980 bombing of the Bologna train station which killed 85 people.

Kay wasn’t having any of it, he merely wanted to hang around Alex Jones for days on end and try and catch him out by seizing upon ambiguous one-liners that could be spun out of context to make us look like mentally unstable extremists, which is precisely the tactic he uses against several other people in his Newsweek article.

According to Kay, a one world government run by the United Nations that will implement greenhouse gas taxes is another “toxic fantasy” of those crazy Tea Party lunatics. In that case, I guess we must have all just imagined UN Secretary general Ban Ki-moon’s December 16 2009 Los Angeles Times interview during the Copenhagen summit in which he stated, “We will establish a global governance structure to monitor and manage the implementation of this.”

Ban Ki-moon’s October 2009 New York Times editorial in which he wrote that efforts to impose restrictions on CO2 emissions “Must include an equitable global governance structure” is also a figment of the imagination if you subscribe to Kay’s world view.

Yes – shocking as it is – top globalists like Herman Van Rompuy, Gordon Brown, Al Gore and others have all publicly and repeatedly called for a new world order and a global government. This is why even Bloomberg writers like David Reilly and former  Democratic advisors like Dick Morris are finally admitting that those tin foil hat wearing kooks Kay derides in his article were right after all – a secret cabal of bankers and industrialists really does run the world.

Of course, if you still believe Kay’s fairytale make-believe world in which there is no “new world order” and no march towards a “global government” which would include a “global currency,” then the following You Tube compilation of top power brokers saying those very things since the 1950’s doesn’t exist either.

Of course, Kay’s dismissive scorn for so-called conspiracy theorists hasn’t stopped him from leeching off their increasing prominence by authoring a book about them to be published by HarperCollins.

We’ve witnessed a noticeable drop in the amount of hit pieces against us over the last 12 months as everything we said about the global government takeover and the financial meltdown comes to pass and our credibility soars while that of the mainstream plummets yet further.

However, there are still establishment lackeys precariously perched on their peanut gallery howling the same tired old clichés about “kooks” wearing “tin foil hats” seeing “black helicopters,” completely oblivious to the fact that the rest of the world has come to accept the fact that yes – shocking as it is – powerful men do actually get together and conspire about how to increase their power over humanity.

Our message to Kay and his ilk is a simple one – dudes, it’s over for you!

The mainstream media has lost all credibility. Acting as apologists and liars for decades in service of the military-industrial complex that has you bought and paid for comes at a cost. You no longer dictate to the rest of us what construes reality when every single indicator screams from every single direction that you are wrong. 2 plus 2 will never equal 5, no matter how many times you insist that people who say it equals 4 are “dangerously detached from reality”.

The manifestly provable and universally acknowledged fact that the invasion of Iraq came as a result of a conspiracy to manufacture a phony pretext for war remains a fact no matter how many times people like Tony Blair claim it is nothing more than a conspiracy theory.

Governments do commit acts of terror to further their political agendas, and globalists have openly stated that they are centralizing power in order to create a system of global governance.

By continuing to deny and label those who talk about such brazenly obvious facts as conspiracy kooks only makes you look ridiculous, Mr. Kay.

Claiming that the idea of a global government run by the UN which controls greenhouse gas taxes is a creation of “militant oddballs” while the United Nations’ own Secretary General writes editorials and gives interviews saying those very things only confirms that the distance from which you are detached from reality renders your inane hackery completely irrelevant.

One thought on “Video: Go Back To Sleep, There’s No New World Order

  1. It’s too bad those MORONS have no idea what happened with the USS Liberty when the Israelis attacked it and to entice us to get further involved in another of the one-world-governmenter’s “wars”.

    But since those magazines and the news media is OWNED by the one-world-governmenters, it’s totally expected that they want it all kept secret.

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