Head Of Greek Debt Office Replaced By Former Goldman Investment Banker

(ZeroHedge) – And so the tragicomic becomes surreal. Yesterday’s news about the departure of the head of the debt management agency, Spyros Papanicolaou, was somewhat of a yawner, until we realized that his replacement would be none other than Petros Christodoulou, who until today was head of Private Banking and Group Treasury at the National Bank of Greece (reporting directly to the CEO of the NBG Tamvakakis), as can be seen on the org chart below. Yet was is oddest, is that Mr. Christodoulou worked not only as head of derivatives at JP Morgan but also held comparable posts at Credit Suisse, and… wait for it, Goldman Sachs… Uh, say what? Read More Here

One thought on “Head Of Greek Debt Office Replaced By Former Goldman Investment Banker

  1. All these people are rothschild stooges. He controls from behind the curtain. Remember the Wizard of Oz. That is Rothschild, known as The Financial Guru. Maybe you can still bye that book ‘Rothschild:Financial Guru’ if it is still in print.

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