MSM: More Mega-Snowstorms Coming – Global Warming to Blame?

(NationalGeographic) – As snowstorm-ravaged states on the U.S. East Coast dig out, scientists say the past week’s “Snowpocalypse” could be a taste of harsh winters to come—and that, strangely enough, global warming may be to blame. Others aren’t so sure. Read More Here

2 thoughts on “MSM: More Mega-Snowstorms Coming – Global Warming to Blame?

  1. Clearly God is bringing his judgements on to a nation that holds itself up in self righteousness but deals with righteousness unrighteously. Read romans 1:18 for example. The former great nation of U.S.of A. is in terrible decline. Your days are numbered and God is abou to finish it. Repent and turn back to God while there is time.Perhaps he will hear you. who can tell. Get into the word, The English King James Bible and find out the truth. In Jesus’ name amen.

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