Video: Fox News scrambles to discredit CPAC after Ron Paul wins presidential poll

(RawStory) – Update at bottom: Paul tells CNBC he’s “leaning to being undecided”
Remember the big conservative conference Fox News has been hyping over the past 10 days?

The Conservative Political Action Conference’s presidential straw poll, a key marker of the mood among conservative voters, apparently didn’t mean anything to the network. And if it did mean something, the only real result is bragging rights for the individual candidates who were so well exposed. And hey, even Dick Cheney showed up.

Or, at least that’s how Fox News characterized the poll, after it was reported that Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) had won it by a wide margin.

CPAC participants voted for Paul as their favored candidate by some 31 percent, giving him the largest margin of victory in recent years. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, who has won the vote over the last three years, was the runner up with 22 percent. Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was third with seven percent. Read More Here

2 thoughts on “Video: Fox News scrambles to discredit CPAC after Ron Paul wins presidential poll

  1. Fox and Glen Beck are just Trojan Horses, pretending to be conservative but more likely of the GOP FASCIST ilk instead of the Tea Party Constitutionalist way of thinking.

  2. Anything and anyone funded by Rupert Murdoch is a front for corporations and corruption thru propaganda and deception including the actor Glenn Beck!!!!

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