G20 News

(KurtNimmo) – Charlie Veitch Detained at Toronto International Airport

Editor’s note: An Infowars reader indicates Charlie is being held by the Toronto Police at the 51 Division. Telephone: 416-808-5108.

Dan Dicks of Press for Truth in Canada told Infowars.com this afternoon that Charlie Veitch was detained at Toronto International Airport. Veitch was scheduled to return to England after attending demonstrations against the G20 globalist confab held over the weekend.

Veitch sent an urgent text message to Dicks indicating he was detained. “They’ve got me,” Charlie said. “Get help!” Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – Video: G20 – Police Agent Provocateurs Again? A Police State in Action

The following short text is by Paul Manly, the film maker (You, me and the SPP) who personally exposed the presence of police agent provocateurs at the summit in Montebello, Quebec, in 2007, see Video Link Here

(SteveWatson) – G20 Protesters Being Abducted, Bundled Into Unmarked Vans In Toronto

Repeat of scenes from 2009 G20 meeting in Pittsburgh as martial law drills continue Read More Here

(CTV) – Police actions questioned following G20 weekend – Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – G20 Riots: Is the Black Bloc a Police Psyops Group? Five Hundred Arrested at G20 – Read More Here

(RussiaToday) – Video: Toronto G20 protests – ‘Police State’ Resistance or Vandalism? – View Video Here

(UncoverTheNews) – Anti-G20 protester ‘caged’ for 19 hours

Freed U.S. protester Bridie Wyrock says she was thrown in a tiny concrete cell for 19 hours without seeing a lawyer. Read More Here

(PaulWatson) – Video: Peaceful Protesters Attacked, Arrested While Cop-Car Arsonists Left Alone

An eyebrow-raising photograph of one of the anarchists who set fire to a Toronto police car during anti-G20 protests this past weekend shows him wearing Nike clothing, a potential indication that provocateurs dressed up as black-bloc “anarchists” were again employed by authorities to cause mayhem in order to justify a brutal police crackdown and crush free speech, as peaceful protesters were attacked and arrested while the anarchists who torched the cars were left alone. View More Here

(RawStory) – Report: Toronto police rough up journalists, arrest peaceful protesters at G20

Reporters covering the G20 summit in Toronto say they were the target of police violence overnight, as riots blamed on anarchist groups left four police cars burning in the financial district and resulted in the arrests of some 150 people.
“A newspaper photographer was shot with a plastic bullet in the backside, while another had an officer point a gun in his face despite identifying himself as a member of the media,” reported the Canadian Press news agency. The agency did not say if it was its own reporters who were targeted. Read More Here

(AFP) – Toronto police use tear gas to combat G20 ‘thugs’

“We have never seen this level of wanton criminality on our streets,” chief Bill Blair told a press conference hours after the protest, adding police were still scouring the streets fearing more trouble. Read More Here

(TorontoSun) – Anarchists leave trail of destruction

Hard-core, balaclava-wearing anarchists burned police cars, smashed and looted stores and threw bricks, bottles and bags filled with urine at police Saturday.

Two cruisers were set alight at King and Bay Sts. and another two cars went up in flames on Queen St. near Spadina Ave. Read More Here

(June 27) – Video: Alex Jones Sunday Edition – Update from Toronto’s G8/G20 Summit with Dan DIcks & Charlie Veitch

On this Sunday edition, Alex Jones will cover breaking news and get an update from Charlie Veitch of The Love Police on the G20 meeting in Toronto where he was arrested earlier in the week for photography. Also on the program is Dan Dicks of Press for Truth.ca who has been covering the ramped up police & security presence leading up to the meeting in Toronto. Continue reading