Video: Wayne Madsen on Alex Jones Tv – Swine Flu Conference in D.C. Update

Alex talks about the coming hyped-up flu pandemic and the possibility of forced vaccinations at roadblocks and the prospect of those who refuse to be vaccinated being sent to concentration camps at gunpoint. Continue reading

Video: Flu Release As Control Mechanism – EndGame

Clip from Alex Jones’ 2007 film Endgame in which he outlines the possibility of the intentional release of a flu virus as a man made bio-weapon, leading to forced inoculation and a tightening of the police state grid before a move toward population reduction. Continue reading

Indonesia floats idea of man-made swine flu

As swine flu continues to take its toll, claims surface that the deadly four-part flu virus could have been created for “bio-terror attacks.” Continue reading

Previous Swine Flu Outbreak Originated At Fort Dix

Mass vaccination program was halted after hundreds contracted debilitating nerve disease Continue reading