Health News

(NaturalNews) – U.S. govt. poisoned its own citizens during Prohibition

In a dark but little-known chapter of U.S. history, the federal government ordered the poisoning of alcohol supplies to deter and punish those who sought to flout Prohibition-era bans. Read More Here

(BBC) – Tea and coffee ‘protect against heart disease’

Drinking several cups of tea or coffee a day appears to protect against heart disease, a 13-year-long study from the Netherlands has found. Read More Here

(Reuters) – Pain drugs abuse requires urgent action: CDC

Emergency room visits tied to the abuse of prescription painkillers have jumped 111 percent over a five-year period, an alarming increase that threatens the American public health system, U.S. government researchers said on Thursday. Read More Here

(NaturalNews) – Aerotoxic syndrome – Toxic airline cabin air could be making you sick – Mike Adams

Have you ever flown on an airplane and later become mysteriously ill? Maybe you developed a headache, had trouble breathing or experienced severe brain fog? These symptoms (and many others) just might be the result of breathing toxic fumes that regularly circulate throughout many commercial airline cabins. Read More Here

(NaturalNews) – FDA reverses position on BPA in plastics, now admits concern over the chemical

Following its 2008 declaration that the chemical bisphenol-A (BPA) is a safe additive in food and beverage plastics, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) received criticism from consumer advocacy groups and others for neglecting scientific evidence that indicated the contrary. The agency reluctantly agreed to review its position and recently reversed its position, declaring that it now has concerns about the safety of BPA. Read More Here