Report Shows Long Term Use of Cell Phones Linked to Brain Tumors

A report by Toronto Public Health advises children to limit their use of cell phones as much as possible, citing studies that have linked long-term mobile phone exposure to an increased risk of brain tumors.

“We think it’s responsible to limit children’s exposure,” the researchers wrote.

“While scientists were pretty dismissive of any risk years ago, with the accumulation of studies, it appears people who have been using their phones for a long period of time are at greater risk of certain kinds of brain tumors.” said report co-author Loren Vanderlinden. Continue reading

The use of mobile phone is Cancerogenic

The international Interphone study confirms :

France 13/10/2008 : The official publication on the 8th of October 2008 – mostly in catimini- of the first intermediate results of the International Interphone Study from the International Research Centre on cancer dependent on WHO confirms the increased tumors and cancer cases due to the use of mobile phone. The International Epidemiologic Research Study was gathering 13 countries (Germany, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Israel, Italy, Japan, Norway, New-Zeeland, United-Kingdom and Sweden) who were using the same protocol in order to look for a possible relation between tumours and hyper frequency micro wave’s radiations. These tumours are mainly acoustic neurinoma, meningioma, glioma, parotid gland tumours, etc…
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