The use of mobile phone is Cancerogenic

The international Interphone study confirms :

France 13/10/2008 : The official publication on the 8th of October 2008 – mostly in catimini- of the first intermediate results of the International Interphone Study from the International Research Centre on cancer dependent on WHO confirms the increased tumors and cancer cases due to the use of mobile phone. The International Epidemiologic Research Study was gathering 13 countries (Germany, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Israel, Italy, Japan, Norway, New-Zeeland, United-Kingdom and Sweden) who were using the same protocol in order to look for a possible relation between tumours and hyper frequency micro wave’s radiations. These tumours are mainly acoustic neurinoma, meningioma, glioma, parotid gland tumours, etc…
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MSM: Mobile phone use ‘raises children’s risk of brain cancer fivefold’

Alarming new research from Sweden on the effects of radiation raises fears that today’s youngsters face an epidemic of the disease in later life Continue reading