
(Money&Markets) – China’s Currency Manipulation: About to Cause a Global Explosion? – Read More Here

(Guardian) – UK’s first ‘conservation credit’ scheme launched – Read More Here

(Fox) – Video: Freedom Watch – Who Owns the Gold in Ft. Knox?

Ludvig von Mises Institute Chair Lew Rockwell on auditing the Federal Reserve

(CNBC) – Video: Steve Wynn Takes On Washington

Steve Wynn, a casino resort/real-estate developer who has been credited with spearheading the dramatic resurgence and expansion of the Las Vegas Strip, talks about the Fall of America. Video Link Here

(GlobalResearch) – The European and U.S. Economies: Falling Dominoes – Shamus Cooke

Attempting to fix an unfixable problem can create new problems. Why is the global economy unfixable in the current context? For one, the cause of the depression is never mentioned in the mainstream media or politicians. And when a disease is misdiagnosed, a prescribed medication creates new afflictions.

Massive, bad debt is often cited as the cause of the global depression, but whythis debt existed in the first place is never discussed. Quite simply, the debt was needed to buy the products of corporations that wages once consumed. Over time, corporations drove down wages to out-compete each other while driving up profits, creating the global “demand” for credit, which the banks are now demanding be paid back. Read More Here

(BitsOfNews) – Pol/Econ: Deregulation and the Triumph of Wall Street

One year removed from a catastrophic, global, economic meltdown, and 26 months removed from the start of the credit crisis, our political establishment is either unwilling or unable to reform the system and punish the perpetrators of this debacle. The situation is so far beyond the pale that it makes one wonder if another catastrophe is even avoidable. Read More Here

(ZeroHedge) – Europe: A Continent Of Lies And Broken Promises; How The EU Elite Got It Wrong On The Euro – Tyler Durden has put together a paper of the most blatant half-truths, propaganda, and outright lies, abused by Europe not only over the past month, but also over the past 10 years, for the entire duration of the now rapidly collapsing eurozone experiment. Read More Here

(Bloomberg) – Dow Ends Worst May Since 1940 On Spain Debt Downgrade, Korea Tensions

U.S. stocks slid, capping the worst May for the Dow Jones Industrial Average since 1940, while the euro slumped and Treasuries rose as a downgrade of Spain’s debt rating and escalating tensions on the Korean peninsula triggered a flight from riskier assets. Read More Here

(Rasmussen) – 80% Favor Auditing the Federal Reserve

Eighty percent (80%) of Americans now agree with Congress that auditing the Federal Reserve Board is a good idea, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

Just nine percent (9%) oppose an audit of the Fed, and 12% more are not sure. Read More Here

(CSPAN) – Video: Moonbat Bachmann complains about $2 billion for raises for Americans – says we can’t afford it

Wait a minute – don’t we pay FAR more every year to a foreign terrorist country that has attacked us?

She doesn’t hesitate repeating the neocon lie about government workers making more than those in the private sector. She does not compare those with the SAME position as she claims – she uses “averages.” Well, government does not hire burger flippers. It is the new attack on the Middle Class – government workers are that, by and large. Video Link Here

(Examiner) – Ellen Brown: US economic reform creates full-employment, renewed infrastructure, zero national debt

Attorney and author of the brilliant Web of Debt, Ellen Brown, is among the leading US advocates of monetary reform and state-owned banks. Among Ellen’s articles is one worth highlighting for how quickly a national economy can turn from ruin to astounding productivity: Nazi Germany’s direct creation of money to pay for public goods and services. Read More Here

(PostGazetta) – Port Authority warned of layoffs, route cuts without more state aid – Read More Here

(RedactedNews) – Insider Trading Is Perfectly Legal – But Only For Members Of The U.S. Congress – Read More Here

REPOST(CNBC) – Dollar Primed for Collapse by End June: Charts

The dollar’s recent strength has been explained by most market analysts as a result of the euro weakness rather than any fundamental support for the greenback. In fact, a closer look at the dollar’s chart – particularly the dollar index – suggests the currency may be primed for a collapse. Read More Here

(Money&Markets) – Credit Crisis Indicators Going Bonkers Again! Batten Down the Hatches!

Heads up people. Something very big is happening in the global credit markets — something you darn well better pay attention to. Read More Here

(EconomicPolicyJournal) – It’s the Bailout of the Banksters Before Greece Is Taken Down

WSJ has a remarkably to the point story explainning why Greece will end up restructuring, but that there will be a delay until the banksters are protected: Read More Here

(Boston) – Romania to cut wages despite strike threat

Romania will go ahead with sweeping wage, pension and benefits cuts despite unions’ threats to stage a general strike, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Wednesday. Read More Here

(DSNews) – Federal Reserve’s MBS Purchases Could Lead to Record Earnings of $70B – Read More Here

(TheEconomicCollapse) – The Depression Of 2011? 23 Economic Warning Signs From Financial Authorities All Over The Globe

Could the world economy be headed for a depression in 2011?  As inconceivable as that may seem to a lot of people, the truth is that top economists and governmental authorities all over the globe say that the economic warning signs are there and that we need to start paying attention to them.  The two primary ingredients for a depression are debt and fear, and the reality is that we have both of them in abundance in the financial world today.  In response to the global financial meltdown of 2007 and 2008, governments around the world spent unprecedented amounts of money and got into a ton of debt. Continue reading

GlaxoSmithKline’s (NYSE:GSK) Ship Comes In

One drugmaker has figured out how to pull down $2.52 billion over the next six months off a single disease – here’s how to get your piece of the action. Continue reading