
(BusinessInsider) – Greek Communists Say IMF-Imposed Austerity Means “Dachau Conditions For Life”

Greek communists are cranking up the rhetoric against IMF-imposed austerity measures, now calling for war against the Athens government. Read More Here

(TheStreet) – Gold Prices Top Record, Break $1,260 – Read More Here

(Bloomberg) – Greenspan Says U.S. May Soon Reach Borrowing Limit

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said the U.S. may soon face higher borrowing costs on its swelling debt and called for a “tectonic shift” in fiscal policy to contain borrowing. Read More Here

(Fool) – The Coming Financial Meltdown

The problem is getting worse. Notional amounts of derivatives held by federally insured banks have risen to more than $200 trillion. Read More Here

(MyNews4) – Video: Nevada’s unemployment rate to reach No. 1 in U.S. – View Video Here

(PaulWatson) – Obama Plans To Sneak Through Carbon Tax By Stealth

Job killing, economy wrecking, middle class destroying consumption tax to be added in lame duck session after November elections Read More Here

(WebOfDebt) – Hyperinflation or Deflation? Dramatic Fiscal Austerity Measures: “Deficit Terrorists” Strike in the UK — The USA is Next – Ellen Brown

Last week, England’s new government said it would abandon the previous government’s stimulus program and introduce the austerity measures required to pay down its estimated $1 trillion in debts. That means cutting public spending, laying off workers, reducing consumption, and increasing unemployment and bankruptcies. It also means shrinking the money supply, since virtually all “money” today originates as loans or debt. Reducing the outstanding debt will reduce the amount of money available to pay workers and buy goods, precipitating depression and further economic pain. Read More Here

(Reuters) – Philly Fed Factory Activity Index Plummets in June

Factory activity growth plummeted in the Mid-Atlantic region in June, a survey showed on Thursday, adding to worries that the short and tepid U.S. economic recovery is now fizzling. Read More Here

(StarTribune) – Video: In jail for being in debt

You committed no crime, but an officer is knocking on your door. More Minnesotans are surprised to find themselves being locked up over debts. Read More Here

(EconomicPolicyJournal) – Swiss Legislators Sell American Tax Evaders Down the River to Bailout Big Bank

The legislators have approved a law that clears the way for the government to hand over the names of thousands of alleged U.S. tax evaders to the Internal Revenue Service, dodging the risk that the U.S. would reopen a bruising tax case against Swiss bank UBS AG, according to WSJ. Read More Here

(RawStory) – US jobless claims in surprise rise

New claims for jobless insurance benefits in the United States rose unexpectedly for the second straight week, the government said Thursday on concerns unemployment may derail the economic recovery. Read More Here

(NBCSandiego) – New Wave of Cuts at Union-Tribune: Sources

The San Diego Union Tribune told employees Thursday the company is cutting close to 40 newsroom positions, according to sources. Read More Here

(Bloomberg) – Illinois Debt-Default Insurance Climbs to Record High (Update1)

“If the spread is the widest, it says the problem is bigger than it’s ever been before,” said Peter Hayes, who oversees $106 billion of municipal bonds for New York-based BlackRock Inc. “It’s a reaction to the inability to pass a budget. We’ve seen a greater unwillingness from Illinois and the market is reacting to that.” Read More Here

BREAKING – (SCMLA) – Video: Banks In Oaxaca, Mexico No Longer Accept American Dollars

SoCal Martial Law Alerts (SCMLA) interviewed Lee, an American who discovered while on a recent (Christian) mission trip to Oaxaca, Mexico, that Mexican banks will no longer exchange American dollars for Mexican pesos.

Lee said that, when he first arrived in Oaxaca two weeks ago, the banks would still exchange American dollars for Mexican pesos, but then when he accompanied a friend to a Mexican bank approximately one week ago, that’s when he discovered the policy change regarding dollar-to-peso currency exchanges. Continue reading