The Palestinians–Following in the Footsteps of the American Revolution

There is something soooooo familiar about all of this. Now, let’s see, we have on one side one of the most wealthy and militarily-powerful nations in the world throwing everything they have against a ragtag group of people fighting to rid their lands of foreign occupation. A military blockade has been imposed upon the native peoples, preventing them from engaging in business they need to sustain themselves. The occupying power, demonstrating its complete disregard for human life and the fact it does not distinguish between civilian and combatants is engaged in deliberately burning down entire towns in achieving its ends.

Naturally, the freedom fighters are called criminals and have no just basis for their grievances. The occupying power, understanding the paramount importance of decapitation, is actively engaged in hunting down the leaders of this movement.

Why, yes, that’s it–It’s the exact same scenario that took place a relatively short while ago between the British and the Americans in what came to be known as the American Revolution. Gripe and moan about it all you want, all you ‘patriotic” Americans who squirm at the fact that our own glorious war for independence is a mirrored reflection of what is taking place in the Middle East as Palestinians fight to rid their home of foreign occupiers, but it is what it is and there is no getting around it.

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